Valentine Week: Day 5 (Mama Drama)

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*no quirks* Momo has Mommy issues so she decided to bring her girlfriend to her home *MOMO HAS A SUPPORTIVE FATHER"

~Kyoka's POV~
I was sitting on my bed trying to figure out a song to write, just for fun but noting was coming to my head, soon I heard my phone chime. Why is yao texting me so late on a school night the text read 'Hey babe, I know it's late but I was wondering if we could meet outside of the cafe tmr morning, it's important' I reply 'sure, is 7 good?' She replies 'Yeah, good night, I love you❤️' I couldn't help but smile at the text before responding 'G'night I love you too' I put my guitar down and crawl onto bed and slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up to my alarm beeping obnoxiously and fall off my bed. I get ready for the day and head to the cafe where I saw yao standing looking pretty, the usual. "Hey" I say standing beside her. "Hey" she replies sounding not very happy. "What's wrong?" I ask and she looks away from me slightly. " mother, she wants to meet you" she says. "Hey that's totally fine, I pretty well mannered" I say. "No no it's not that...she thinks, that ur a guy" she says. "I don't look thaaat much like a I?" I ask and I hear her chuckle but she still looked distressed. "No, you're gorgeous, she thinks ur a guy bc I told her I had a boyfriend....she homophobic" she says. "It's cool" I reply and agree to meet her parents to piss off her mom

~Momo's POV~
I hear the doorbell ring downstairs and I rush down to answer it, my parents weren't home yet. "Hey Kyoka" I say and drag her to my room. "Hi? Also what are you doing?" She asked as I turn her arm around. "Covering up your tattoo" I say. "Ohhh...ok" she replies. It was a small music note that she got with parental consent since we are 16. She's so pretty. "Hey, earth to Momo" she say waving her hand in my face. "Gah, sorry I spaced out" I say and she smiles. "It's cool but I think ur parents are here" she says and I see a lambo pulling into the driveway....heheheh. "Mo, why do u have a sinister smirk on ur face?" She asked. "It's show time, you need to piss off my mom but make a good impression on my dad okay?" I say and she nods.

A few minutes later
~Kyoka's POV~
We sat in Momo's room and I hear heels walking upstairss, "that's my mom" she says and pulls me ontop of her and kisses me, I love getting under peoples skin so this'll be fun. I kiss her back and her mom opens the "What the hell is going on here?!" She asked already pretty pissed. "Hi I'm Kyoka jirou but you can call me your future daughter-in-law" I say sitting in Momo's lap. "This is disgusting,and I already told you Momo, that this is all a phase" she say and Momo pokes me, right lemme think of something. "If it was 'just a faze' I wouldn't have head you daughter screaming my name a few nights ago" I say and her mom was MAD. "Just wait till your father hears about this....just you see!" She yells and walks away. "That was fun" I say and I noticed Momo's face was red. "Was the sex one too far?" I asked. "N-no I just...didn't expect that to come out of you" she says still slightly red. "Don't worry your precious little head, your day will come....just like you" I say and she gts red again."stop with the sex joookes" she whines. "Whining never gets you what you want, unless ofc it's me you want" I say and she looked like she was about to throw me out the window. "Okay okay I'm sorry" I say and kiss her on the cheek.

We sit down at the table and I could feel her mom glaring at me as we sat in silence. "Soo..." her dad finally says. "Is it true? You and my daughter" he asked. "Uhm yeah" I say and he also glares at me...Momo I thought ur dad was on our side! "Well, do you do drugs? Do u drink or smoke, do u cut class, do u get my daughter into trouble, will ever hurt my daughter, do Uh as any tattoos or piercings?" He asked. "No to everything but the last one, I have no intentions of lying so I have a tattoo on my wrists" I say and he smile, damn I see where mo got her smile from, and her hair and her eyes and clearly her height and personality. "Your going to let that Girl date our daughter?" The mom asked. "Ofc, she seems like a nice girl" he says. "But she's a GIRL, GIRLS CANT LIKE GIRLS" she yells. "Asuma you're being unreasonable, Momo is our daughter and you need to support her even if you don't really like what's going on, she's responsible enough and mature, she can make the right decisions for herself, plus..she's happy. Do u remember how much stress we caused her after our divorce, she deserves to be happy and look at her now, she's finally happy" her dad says. "I suppose your right, Momo I apologize to u and your....girlfriend for the way I acted I was being a terrible mother and I will try to support you both moving forward" she says.

So ya I posted a chapter

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