Am I Too Late?

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Kinda angst TW: attempted suicide

~Kyoka's POV~

Okay, nows my chance!. I walk over to YaoMomo's desk. "Oh hey Jirou" she says smiling at me. "Can I uh tell you something?" I ask and she tilts her head. "Yeah ofc, what's up?" She asked. "So I kinda like you and I was wondering if you would be interested in going out with me" I say and when he smile faded I knew I was about to be rejected. "Look, jirou...I like you a lot but, not like, like you like you....I'm really sorry, I'm straight, we can still be friends thought right?" She says. "No it's fine don't worry about it, I've heard it so many times before" I say and walk away. As soon as I leave the class I run to my dorm and lock the door. And I just cry, I knew I was going to be rejected why even try.

Time skip a few weeks

~Momo's POV~

It's been a few weeks since the incident with jirou and honestly I hate myself for it. We don't talk anymore, she doesn't even walk by me, she doesn't think I noticed but she's been avoiding coming anywhere near me, but I miss her even though she's right across the room. If I'm bein honest I think I might have a thing for her, no way! That's ridiculous, I'm straight...right?

2 weeks later

~Kyoka's POV~

I sat in my dorm bored of life, there's no point in being here, nobody cares about me anyways. Having depression is stupid why did I have to be born with this and trapped in this ugly body. I really just want to jump off the roof of this building, no one will even notice I'm gone.

~Momo's POV~

I like, no, love jirou and I need to tell her. "Hey Mina have you see jirou?" I ask. "Uhm she said she was going to go sit up on the roof then hugged me and mumbled something , not sure what that was about " she says and then it hit me, she's going to jump. I run up to the roof but the door was locked, fucking dumbass. I create and key and open the door and I see Jirou standing at the edge of the roof. "Jirou we need to talk" I say and she just looked back at me as if she were looking right through me. "It's fine Momo, I'll gone soon, no need to pity me" she says. "No, I don't pity you....I- IM INLOVE YOU!" I scream. "So please....please don't do it" I say and I see and few tears fall from her eyes then from mine and she falls to her knees and I hug her. "I'm sorry I didn't realize my feelings for you sooner, I love you" I say and she pulls away from the hug and managed to pull her stupid smirk while still crying. "Oh, you love me?" She says. "Not the time idiot" I say and she just hugs me again. "I'm sleepy" she says and soon I hear nothing but her breathing. I pick her up, and she's surprisingly light. I head to her dorm and tuck her in and plant a kiss on her cheek. "Sleep well...Kyoka"

Part 2?

MomoJirō OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now