Hands off

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Kyoka started dating kaminari but realized she was into girls but kami won't let her leave and she starts dating Momo behind his back(TW) abuse

~Momo's POV~

I was in kyoka's dorm making out with her...the usual, when there was a knock at her door she ignored it and then there was another knock but louder. "Kyo...u should answer it" I say and get from ontop of her (they were only in a bra and shorts) she opens it before slaming it immediately and locking it. "What?" I ask. "I- it's nothing just put ur shirt back on" she says and I do before she opened the door. "H-hey kami" she says. And he smiles at me. "YaoMomo...hey...could u leave, I need to talk with Kyoka" he says...the smile looked forced. "N-no she can stay" she says backing up a bit. "No, it's personally, you know this Kyoka" he says raising his voice slightly. "momo, i'll text u later" kyoka says with a smile and i leave. soon i hear banging and screaming but the screams sounded like someone was in pain. i follow the noise to kyoka's room and the door was locked. "kaminari open the door!" i yell and he opens it. "oh hey ya-" i push him out the way and see kyoka on the ground who quickley sat up and covered her neck and lip. "Why are u covering your lip and neck?" i ask getting closer but she scoots back. "Kyoka did he hit u?!" i ask. "no" she whispers but she sucks at lying. i grab both her hands and move them from her face reveling a bruse covered by her choker and her lip was bleeding. i let out a deep sigh before standing up and punching kaminari in the nose causing him to fall to the ground before kicking his head against the wall and im pretty sure he was knocked out becausehe wasnt moving so i dragged him to his dorm and locked the door from the outside. i head to kyoka's room where she was curled up crying. i pick her up and put her in my lap before removing her choker. i just rub her back and let her cry. "its okay now, he'll never hurt you again" i say and continue to confort her. "now can u tell me how long this has been going on for?" i ask. "since i started liking you" she mumbles and i kiss her forehead. i take a look at her lip it was only bleeding so i gave her a wet towel and i put some ice on her neck. "you're probably tired, get some rest" i say getting up and she grabbed my hand before i walked off. "c-can u sleep with me... what if he comes back" she says and i lay on her bed next to her and pull her into my embrase. "dont think about him, just sleep" i whisper and give her one more good night kiss.

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