Love bites

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Momo is a vampire along with everyone else from UA minus Jirōu who is a human

~Momo's POV~

"Mo, pleaseeee" Kyoka asked me for what seemed like the 1 millionth time. "Darling I told you not until you're 18" I say and she whines. Hi I'm Momo and let me tell you how I found myself inlove with a human.

~a year ago (TW attempted suicide)

I was walking around at night when i spotted something falling from a building as i got closer i realized it was a human. i catch them mid-air, they were passed out and beat up pretty bad, i should probably take her home with me. i get home and start cleaning her scars, she was kinda beautiful. i wrap her wrist in bandages and lay her in my bed hoping she'd wake up soon. its been about two days and she hasnt waken up, now im kinda worried but soon i see her eyes flutter open, at the moment i really needed sleep but it turns out humans like to be awake all day and sleep at night. "w-why am i here?" she asked sitting up. "i saved u" i say. "why?" she asked. "you were falling off of a building" i say. "yeah, it wasnt an accident" she say. "and...are you a vampire" she asked. "yeah?" i reply and she looks horrifed which kinda hurt my feelings and i guess she could tell. "no no dont be sad i just...didnt expect to ever actual meet your kind" she says. i dont trust human, not even a little, they're all back stabing traitors but, i dont mind her. "are you okay?" i ask. "i guess" she says. "does anything hurt?" i ask and she starts crying, did i say something wrong. even if i am incapable of feeling her emotions i still felt bad. i hug her and she starts crying into my neck. "Do you wanna talk about it" i ask. "everyone hates me, even my own family but i never do anything wrong. they told me to kill myself and i wanted to die and you saw the rest" she says...poor human.

~Resume present day~

~Momo's POV~

she sits there pouting but she is so fucking cute im just gonna give in now. "Do you promise you will be safe if i do this?" i say picking her up and placing her into my lap and she knods. "Okay fine, take off your shirt, i dont want you to get blood on that" i say and she does and i hold her hand knowing this was gonna hurt like shit for her human body. "Your 100% sure you wanna do this love? remember once you do this you cant turn back" i say. "Im sure" she says confidently. "alright" i say and kiss my way down her neck before bitting her and releasing the toxins into her earning a yelp. human blood taste weird. i look up at her and she was tearing up, i knew this hurt. "sorry princess" i say and kiss her cheek then cuddle her ignoring the fact that she still has no shirt on just a bra. "your gonna be tired for the next few days so just sleep for now" i say. "k i love you" she says sounding tired."i love you too" i say and run my fingers through her hair.

there will be a part two but follow my tiktok sketchx.kun bc i post momojirou content

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