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Finally! After many, many, many battles against Shadowmoth, we had defeated him! Gabriel 'Shadowmoth' Agreste and Nathalie were arrested and the rest of his staff were taken in for questioning. I was laying up against the biggest pile of rubble I could find, hoping that the police searching the house (AHEM, Mansion, AHEM) didn't see me. 

I was detransformed and holding an exhausted Tikki up against my chest. "Marinette..." she weakly muttered.

"Shh, I know, I know." I calmly whispered to her. 

"At least I'm away from that damn Alley Cat..." I muttered to myself hoping no one would hear. 

But Tikki gasped a little, "Marinette! That's not such a nice thing to say!" She scolded. 

I just rolled my eyes. He has always been annoying, but ever since we found out that Shadowmoth was Gabriel Agreste, he has made sure to annoy the hell out of me every second I'm with him. I mean, yeah, I and the rest of Paris were shocked to find out that the most infamous Fashion Designer in Paris, Gabriel Agreste, was the most twisted person in the city. 

But my dumbass partner was devastated. Like, bawling-my-eyes-out-every-time-someone-mentions-his-name devastated.

I didn't have any cookies to give Tikki for her to recharge, so transforming to get out of this dump was a question. 

I look around to see if there were any police still around, but to my luck, there wasn't. I started to crawl out of there on my hands and knees, still behind the piles of rubble. Just as I was almost to freedom, I here his voice, "Ladybug, are you there?" 

I rolled my eyes, 'Great, just great! Do I have to deal with this asshole now?' I peeked over a pile of Rubble to see Chat Noir, but Instead I see Adrien, looking around, and clutching his arm which appeared to have a deep gash. 

I quickly ducked down, "Nope! Definitely NOT Chat!" I mutter to myself. 

After that little misunderstanding was over, I crawled out, unnoticed by anyone, and made my way back to my safe home with all the treats Tikki could eat! 

What an eventful day for the Chat and Bug.


I still can't believe it! After two agonizing, long years of fighting my dad- I mean Shadowmoth, we had defeated him! I had yet to get over the trauma inducing fact, that my father, Gabriel Agreste, was the one and only Shadowmoth! 

I know that Ladybug finds it annoying that I practically have a breakdown every time someone mentions his name to my face, but can you blame me? I had just recently found out that France's greatest terrorists, is my father... HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO COPE WITH THAT?!?!

"Hey, Kid..." I was brought back to reality at the sound of my kwami's voice, "Cheese, now!" He weakly demanded. 

I chuckled and checked my pockets, "Shit, Sorry Plagg." 

I started to quietly crawl out when I hear Plagg mutter, "Hey, Kid, I know you hate her guts and all, but you should check to see if she is okay." 

I let out a reluctant groan, "Fine!" 

Part of me wanted to leave her entitled ass right where it was, but I knew he was right. I tried to stand up, but collapsed immediately. I winced at the pain. Right, I sprained my ankle in battel, just peachy! 

I tried standing up again with little pressure on my sprained foot, and succeeded! I Limped over to an empty clearing and I couldn't she anything remotely related to ladybug, so I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted, "Ladybug, are you there?"

There was no response to my call, so I figured she had already escaped somehow. 

I started to get real dizzy and tired. I then collapsed to the floor. My eyes started to get droopy when I saw a paramedic ran over to tend to me. I saw multiple of her and as she was asking me questions, her voice was echoing like crazy! I decided to let the drowsiness overcome me and get some rest.

When I woke up, I was in a bed, connected to tubes and wires with stitches scattered all over me.

It took me a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the new environment, but when they did, I could clearly tell I was in a hospital. I look around to see all of my classmates circling my bed. It looked like everyone was there, but one person. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. But why am I not surprised?

We are enemies after all...


Tada! I think that went really well! I am so excited to share the rest of this story with you! Comment if you would like to see something exciting, dramatic, fun, or something that adds some edge to my story!

Please vote on the story, ( I know that there is only one chapter so far, but trust me, it will get good!) Comment, follow, share, and all that jazz! And I thought I would be fun if I shared one fact about me every post!

Fact 1: I have jade green eyes!

Love you my Bugaroos! MWAH!

Are You All That Bad? |Miraculous: Enemies to lovers|Where stories live. Discover now