Narcissa Malfoy x Female Reader (smut)

Start from the beginning

Malfoy's mother was hot, that was undeniable, and I had definitely had a little crush on her while staying with them, but never actually thought anything of it. She was known in the wizarding world for being a typical, pretentious pureblood wife. She fulfilled her duty by marrying a pureblood man and producing an heir, what use did she have for a 18 year old lesbian girl that was friends with her son?

"So, y/n, who are you dating if not my son?" Her voice was now right behind me, and I couldn't help the flutter in my stomach and the dark smirk that she couldn't see. Was this really happening?

"Mm no one." I replied casually, stirring my hot chocolate without turning around.

"Is that so?" Suddenly there were small hands lightly resting on my hips and her body was flush up against my own, chin resting gently on my shoulder as her lips brushed my left cheek.

I tried to keep my hair in front of my face to hide the blush spreading across my cheeks at her closeness. I decided I might as well shoot my shot and subtly wiggled my ass into her crotch, her hands tightening on my hips and her nails digging into the skin a little bit.

A low growl escaped her throat and I felt the warm breath on my cheek again as she reached up to move my hair to one side, giving her access to the left side of my neck and face.

"You're playing a dangerous game little girl." She breathed in my ear, lips tickling my skin and I yearned to feel them on my own.

"You started it.. Mrs. Malfoy." I drug out her name as if it was an insult and it sent her over the edge. Suddenly I was spun around and pushed up against the counter, Narcissa smirking down at me as she rested her hands on the counter behind me, imprisoning me in her arms.

Her face was millimeters from my own and suddenly I was afraid. The primal look in the older witch's eyes scared me and as much as I wanted this I was also very confused by why. She had the perfect life. Rich husband, heir to the Malfoy fortune, status, power, why was the risking it all on a random girl she met 3 days ago?

I guess my hesitance was obvious as her face slackened a bit, one hand finding it's way to my jaw and cupping my face, eyes staring intently at my lips. I swallowed again and she slowly leaned in, giving my eyes once last glance for consent before pressing her lips against mine.

Her kiss was soft and sweet, perfume filling my senses and causing me to lose all track of time during this moment. My hands had a mind of their own and found their way to her hips, pulling her closer to my body and she instantly relaxed into me, smiling into the kiss as we continued to make out.

She finally pulled back and I gasped for air, not having realized how deprived of oxygen I was getting.

"Why are you doing this.. not that I don't love it.. but why?" I had to ask and I needed to catch my breath before this went any further anyways.

She sighed and took a step back, regret suddenly filling her eyes as she refused to meet my own.

"I was forced into a loveless marriage y/n, that's just what purebloods do. We want the world to view us on a pedestal but behind closed doors.. it's a nightmare. Once I became pregnant with Draco, Lucius had no use for me inside the home, other than to fulfill his needs every once in a while. In public we are still the perfect Malfoy family but within these walls is a completely different story. I've always preferred the company of women, not that my parents knew or cared, and Lucius and I have a silent agreement that so long as I continue to please him and we keep our reputation in this world, we can do what we please. Or who we please."

I was taken aback by her honesty, I knew there were a lot of problems within the sacred 28, but I never really thought about just how small the dating pool really was these days. Lucius had been her only option and she followed her duties out of fear of what would happen had she abandoned the pureblood line and gotten disowned by the House of Black.

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