Storytime from an old friend

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The strong, howling winds had came to an abrupt stop and soon after, Dakota and Sawyer walked back down to the basement together to retrieve us all. As Berk and his family stand up, he glares over at me.
"Now, I don't want see you folks over here ever again." Berk says, his eyes scanning me to Jack and to Gina. I followed Jack and Gina upstairs as Dakota walked alongside of me. He kept his head down, his dark brows slightly scrunched together as we took on the stairs.
"Cat got your tongue?" I asked him.
A small grin peeked from the left side of his lips, "For now, but I do gotta tell you something when we leave here. Mind if I tag along?"
"Not at all, Dakota." I said with a gentle smile. Walking toward the vehicle outside the home, a few bushes were ripped to shreds, cacti stood broken apart in the distance. A tin bucket that was once filled with water, now was overfilled and nearly tipped over onto the moist ground. Sawyer stood on the porch with his arms crossed as he took in the messy view of the countryside desert.
"So what'd you need to talk to me about?" I whispered to Dakota. Dakota faced the car, opening the back door of it slowly as he kept his head down.
"Not in front of Sawyer." He replies as he gets into the backseat with Jack. I glanced back at the home and Sawyer was now staring us down, watching and examining us intently.
"Where do I drop the kid off?" Gina questions from inside the car.
"I'm gonna stay with Alana, so wherever she goes, I will be going." Dakota answers for me. I turned around in my seat in surprise at him.
"What about Olivia?"
"I told her my plan beforehand, she said it was fine but not to stay away too long." He replied with a shrug of the shoulders. Gina begins to drive down the long driveway and as I look back once more at the home, Sawyer began walking back inside but continued glancing back at us with a tightened expression.

Making my way into the shack of Red Mann's forest, Dakota followed me inside and laid down onto the small bed with his hands behind his head.
"What was that thing you wanted to tell me?" I finally questioned him.
"Oh, that. Sawyer, he had told me to stay quiet about those creatures, especially in front of that girl, Gina is it?" He informed me.
"Hmm." I hummed to myself. Sawyer had changed drastically since going back home, why had he become so cold? To snap me out of my thoughts, a knock sounded at the door. Rushing over to it with a prepared friendly smile, it was a dark man with black straight hair, dark eyes that wore slight bags underneath, yet a friendly smile. He must've been around in his forties based off his appearance.
"Hello sir, how can I be of help?" I asked him.
He shook his head, "No help. Just wanted to speak with you for a moment about that Legend family." My eyes widened before closing the door behind me, taking a step outside with the man.
"Small town when everyone seems to know them, huh?" I joked with a nervous laugh. His smile disappeared quickly as he looked to me.
"Well, someone becomes a local star for either two reasons, they are so kind, or they are too kind." He comments.
"Erm, what's that mean?" I asked.
"May we walk and talk?" He asks and I obliged with a nod of the head and soon, we begin walking on the path through the trees. Every now and again, I'd look at the man. His hair touched his hips, and he wore a light tan sweater and an old pair of jeans along with some old boots. A much more cleaner appearance than the Legend family combined.
"One day, an older man came upon me, asking for some desperate help to all my friends before facing me," He starts off with the story, "The man was Berk Legend." A few seconds passed me by until I realized that this story sounded familiar.
"Wait a minute, are you Anakin by chance?" I questioned him. This time, he glanced over to me with raised eyebrows.
"Why yes, you know me then?"
"Uh, Sawyer, his son, mentioned you once to me." I explained to him.
"Very interesting I'm still a thought in their minds." He says.
"Anakin, is there a reason you needed to talk to me?" He stops suddenly before facing me and that's when I'd realized, we'd gone up very far up the hill away from many people and hikers.
"I advise you strongly to get away from here and especially that family. Those creatures that we don't speak of, are obsessed with that family. We call them the cursed family." He explains to me. A light breeze passes us by, blowing pieces of Anakin's hair in his eyes.
"Why are they obsessed with the family so much?" I asked.
He glances around the woods before speaking again, "They had confessed to me that day. Their son, George, had disappeared one day after going out late at night. They searched and searched, before finding him in a cave with those creatures. Somehow, they had successfully gained him back, ever since, the creatures have not rested." He tells the story.
"Where was the cave?"
"Here, in Red Mann's." He replied. I walk over to a nearby tree, my eyes scanning for a cave anywhere, but couldn't see one from where I stood. Before either one of us could speak, footsteps rushed up the dirt path and turning around, it was Dakota panting.
"I tried keeping up but I needed a rest. I heard something about a cave." Dakota said through heavy breaths.
"Yes, why?" Anakin questioned him.
Dakota looked up, still breathing heavy, "Because I was in there too."

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