The last errand

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I followed Celeste and Polly around the already tidy home, going from surfaces and wiping it clean. Or rather, cleaner. Celeste and Polly wore similar floral dresses that met at their shins, along with their hair up in loose ponytails. Celeste's reached her waist, whereas Polly's baby ponytail desperately reached to her collarbones.
"So, y'all heard about what I said too I take it?" I asked Celeste as I kept my eyes on the wipe, wiping down the kitchen counter free of stains and crumbs as she copied the same movements on the island. Polly swiftly moved the mop back and forth around the wooden floors.
"We did, but we forgive you." Celeste says with a warming grin.
I stopped wiping, looking down, "You do?" She hummed.
"Of course, you're going through so much and I can try and understand why you accused us." She replied with a sweet tone. However, it stung a little bit in my chest, but I couldn't really blame her for giving me the passive aggressive attitude. As we continued wiping down the counters, Polly drips the mop over the sink, squeezing out all of the dirty water.
"All done!" Polly exclaims proudly, spinning around to face Celeste. Celeste turns around and hands her cleaning wipes.
"So are we, so it looks like it's time to clean the windowsills." Celeste says, leading us into the dining room. As Celeste and Polly swipe a wipe up from the package, I stand and watch them, bewildered.
Celeste pauses her swiping and glances over to me, "What's wrong?"
"You even clean the windows too?" I asked, my eyebrows raising. Polly giggles as she looks back at Celeste and then to me.
"Why, of course." Celeste answers, pointing to the wipes for me to start working. I sighed and with that, I began to wipe down the windowsills along with them. Sooner or later, the wipes started to squeak and that's when I knew it was time to move onto a new window. This cycle repeated for an hour until we finally made our way upstairs as Polly and I went to walk up the stairs behind Celeste.
"You girls can take a break down here, I'll do the rest." Celeste smiles through strands of hair that hung messily over her eyes. We nodded and I followed Polly to her sewing machine, sitting down and getting straight to work without hesitation.
"Whatcha making now?" I questioned curiously.
She stops before facing me with a smile, "What would you like?" My eyes trailed over as I thought about what I'd want to be made for me.
"How about a bag?" I suggested.
She grinned before returning back to the machine, "Like a book sack, I can do that!" She says before turning on the light that hovered from the machine. It begins to thump as it bounces up and down, moving onto the rest of the material. Taking a wooden chair, I bring it in beside her.
"May I watch?" I asked. She stops sewing and stares down at the machine.
"You should make something!" She says excitedly before helping me off the chair and putting me in hers which sat in front of the machine.
"But I can't-
"Of course you can, I'll help you." She offers.
"I'm not even sure what to make." I giggle nervously.
"How about a handkerchief?" She suggests the idea before giving me a new cloth with a new design on it. Brown with a cowboy, riding a horse with a lasso.
"I don't know if that's my style." I replied, sitting up straight and placing my hands on the cloth that sat underneath the still needle.
She snorts, "Not for you silly, for Sawyer." My eyes widened before turning my face toward her.
"Sawyer?" I repeated her.
"Look, I know I'm the youngest and I ain't never had a boyfriend, but I see something between you two." She says before helping me create the handkerchief.

It hadn't taken long before we finally finished the handkerchief and Polly and I stood up as I held in it my hands.
"Not bad for your first time." She complimented.
"How do I give it to Sawyer though?" I asked her as a wide grin came across her face.
"Why not just turn around and give it to him?" She suggested before rushing to the kitchen where Celeste started on the supper that I had gotten at the store prior today. Turning around, I came face to face with Sawyer who had dirt stains decorated across his cheeks.
"Give what to me?" He questioned with a curious smile. I looked down at the neatly folded cloth that was in my hands.
"Polly, she helped me sew something today. Funny thing is she suggested I make something for you." I shook my head, laughing at the idea. Sawyer stood in front of me now, opening my hands up and taking out the cloth, holding it up and examining it.
"A handkerchief? This is pretty nice." He nodded his head in approval, looking up and smiling at me. Before I could respond, Mike came from another room, Berk escorting him to me, both of them holding irritated expressions.
"Alana, I sure hope you haven't forgotten about your last chore of the day." Berk announced.
"We gotta go pay Jeff a visit, you know, the guy who fixed your car for you just to stay here longer." Mike rolled his eyes, motioning for me to follow him out the front door. Glancing back at Berk, he shrugged his shoulders.
"Supper will be ready when you get back." Berk said. Before I followed, I glanced to Sawyer who now kept a grave expression as he looked between Mike and I, wondering where it was going to end up being. However, I accepted the last chore and followed Mike out to his car.

Swinging my arm out the window, embracing the night breeze, we pulled into a familiar driveway. As I go to open up the car door, Mike stops me.
"I don't need a friend to go with me." He says before unbuckling his seat belt and rushing up to the front door. As he paces back and forth around the home, peeking through the windows, he froze. Ignoring his previous statement, I got out of the car and rushed up beside him and looking through the window as well. It was his friend, laying on the wooden floor, unresponsive.
"Mike." I whispered to him, my eyes frozen on the view that displayed from the inside.
"Don't move, it's still around." He whispered back as he kept still.

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