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"You do as I say, the others know this but you seem to not be smart enough to understand." His father grits his teeth at Sawyer. Sawyer towered over his already tall father and his eyes widened with fury. I've only known him for half a day but seeing him like this was enough to scare me away. Should I? I glanced back at the front door that was still opened from earlier. It's not too late to back out and just be on my own. That's how it's always been anyway, hasn't it?
"Alana, it's okay. I'll handle this." Celeste says to me with a frown across her face, knocking out my thoughts. I nodded and head through the front door and outside, sitting on their porch while yells from inside muffled. Their yard was grassy, yet dry as if the desert were trying to take over their home too. It's not too late to back out. I stand up and walk off the porch and watch the empty road. No street lamps, making it a long and dark way back to my vehicle. A hand landed on my shoulder, causing me jump off the ground for a moment and I spin around to face the person.
Sawyer threw his hands up defensively, "Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you."
"That's okay. How are you?" I asked him.
"I'm good, just another argument with Berk is all. It happens more than you know." He replies. Berk, that must be his father.
"Do you always call him by his real name?"
"It's become a habit these days." He admits as he looks around the darkened yard. "So, what're you doing out here all by yourself? You weren't thinking of running away, were you?" He chuckled. What a strange thing to say and how it bothered me to my core, but I couldn't show it.
"No!" I exclaimed, "I was just giving you space is all."
He took a step closer, "Why don't I show you where you'll be sleeping?" I nodded as he began leading me to the house again. He led me upstairs and down a long hallway where there were already five doors on each side and finally, one at the end.
"Ladies first." He grinned as he stepped aside to let me through the bedroom door and I did so. It was a small yet cozy room, A white dresser, along with a matching bed with a quilted blanket on top. No television.
"How do you like?" Sawyer questioned. As I continued looking around, I spotted my backpack at the end of the bed. Did he already know I was meant to be here?
"It's cozy and cute." I complimented with a grin. I took a seat on the bed before laying down, finally enjoying the comfort of a bed. I closed my eyes with satisfaction until I felt a dip at the edge of the bed.
"Now, I've got news for you." Sawyer says.
"What's wrong?" I questioned, sitting up and facing him.
"Berk told me that if you're gonna stay, you need to help out around the farm."
"The farm?" I asked, confused. He looked at me surprised, but then smiled.
"You've never heard of our farm? It's in the backyard." He tells me with a laugh.
"I'm from Texas, I've never been up here before." I informed him.
He smiles even wider, "really? Interesting." He says before standing up from the bed.
"Is there anything else I should know?" I questioned him.
"Oh! Your car problem. Well, I can go and get it fixed tomorrow, I'm sure." He says. His eyes lingered on me for a moment too long, making me squirm under his gaze as I decide to get up and attempt to politely push him out.
"Thanks for letting me stay. I should try and get some sleep now." I said before backing him out of the room.
"Right, of course. Night." He nods before heading down the hallway and into a room. I close the door before sliding down it. What have I gotten myself into? This whole idea is insane. I'm staying with a family who I barely even know and now I have to work for them? Too tired to think anymore, I head to the bed and cover myself up with the blankets, not bothering to change.

Waking abruptly, I sit up straight, already breathing heavily. Was I hearing things? Or dreaming? I attempt to be quiet, but the wooden floors creaked with every tiptoe to the window. I pushed back the clear curtains and look outside to see a shadowy figure lurking around the backyard. It was far too dark for me to see as for there was no source of light anywhere. I cupped my eyes and stood against the window to get a better look of the figure outside. It was moving in an odd way to the barn, looking around as if to make sure nobody was looking before hiding into the barn. Backing up, I noticed a reflection in the window. I yelped, spinning for Sawyer to hold my arms.
"Sorry!" He whispered to me with a laugh.
I shrugged off his strong arms, "What're you doing in here?"
"I heard you get up so I wanted to check up on you." He stated. I'd almost forgotten why I had gotten up in the first place. I turned around to see absolutely nothing in sight.
"I heard something out there." I came to face Sawyer again.
"It was probably our cattle, or chickens." He dismissed it. I looked back at it once more, longer this time.
"You should get to bed, we have to wake up early to do work." He insists before patting my shoulder.
I flinched, "Right." I cuddled myself back up into the blankets before he left the room once more, leaving me alone in the dark room.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open and I see a man with short brown hair. Mike, I remembered.
"Get up, it's time to help out." He ordered me without emotion. As I sat up and rubbed my eyes, he threw a pair of overalls onto my lap.
"Get changed and meet us in the barn." He said before leaving me alone. I wandered over to the window to see the sun hasn't even greeted me yet. This is going to be a long day.

The Legend FarmDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora