No good cowboy

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We sat in Sawyer's truck as we waited for Dakota to be finished with his visit to his sister.
"I can't believe the scratch got this bad." I whispered to myself aloud. However, Sawyer had kept his head down as he texted rapidly onto his phone screen, ignoring my thoughts I had spoken out loud.
"What's wrong?" I questioned him. Once he finished typing, he threw his phone down into his lap and looked ahead.
"Berk and my ma needs me back at the farm. I can't stay here any longer." He admitted.
I sunk into the leather seat, "Then you should go. I don't know why you even came here in the first place." I responded.
"I had to come here to see if my gut feeling was right, and it was."
"What was that gut feeling?"
"That those things have followed you here too. Once you attract one, you attract them all. They won't stop. I came here for those things, not nothing else." He replied. I flinched slightly at the choice of wording, which I hadn't known why it hurt my feelings, but it had.
"You came here just for those things, those creatures? So, you never came here to keep me safe." I say, my voice grew shaky.
"No, I didn't. Though, of course I wanted to make sure you didn't get killed by those things. However, tracking those creatures are more important than anything." He confirmed simply. My eyes burned with tears before I yanked open the door and slammed it closed. He rolled down the window to talk, but I began first before he could.
"So, go back to your farm. I just hope that you care enough to keep your family from getting killed." I spoke through the furious tears that rolled down my cheeks at rapid speed. He looked at me for a moment, with seemingly no emotion before he drove off slowly out of the hospital parking lot. I breathed deeply, attempting to control my emotions as an aggressive breeze bypassed me. As my eyes scanned the sky, it held gray clouds as faded thunder came from a far distance. Today has proven to be a long day ahead for me, and for the rest of us as well.

Olivia, Dakota and I all sat at the booth beside the window at the coffee shop as Jack sat by me during his break.
"I can't believe it, what did the doctors say about her state?" Jack questioned Olivia. She took a long sip of her coffee as if she tried her best to prolong the answer, but eventually she stopped.
"They say it's looking really bad." Olivia admitted, keeping her head low as to not meet Jack's eyes full of different emotions.
"What does that even mean? Give me an actually answer!" Jack raised his voice. I mouthed an apology to the other customers who turned their head slowly at us. Jack noticed the unwanted attention before making himself appear smaller, leaning into Olivia.
"It means they don't know if she'll make it, okay?" Olivia snapped back at him.
Dakota then looked up for the first time since awhile, "She didn't look good. Her skin was discolored, she was feeling nauseous and she was sweating." Jack then frowned at Dakota, forgetting about him until now.
"I'm sorry Dakota." Jack softly replied to him.
"I finally get back from being missing for so long, and my sister is in the hospital. What a reunion." He scoffs, shaking his head. Olivia pulled him into a light hug before he pulled away.
"Ah, right. I forgot you were never a hugging type." Olivia attempted to joke.
"I'll be right back." Dakota excuses himself from the booth before disappearing to the back of the shop.
"On other news, I cannot believe Sawyer actually left you behind like that." Olivia leaned in over the table.
Jack gave me a glance, "What's going on? What'd I miss?"
"It's nothing, Sawyer had to go home." I shrugged my shoulders as I tried to make it sound less horrible. Thanks to Olivia however, she fixed it for me.
"No, he left you behind to deal with all the horrible stuff happening here all by yourself and admitted he only came here for something else, not you." Olivia corrected me. Gee, thanks Olivia for twisting the knife.
"Yeah, well, whatever." I replied simply as if it hadn't hurt.
"Well good riddance then! Ever since he came into the picture, everything has gone downhill. I knew I didn't trust that no good cowboy." Jack rambled on before sitting back into the booth, relaxing more so now.
Olivia then shrugged her shoulders before taking another sip of her coffee, "Maybe Jack has a point. I wouldn't dwell over Sawyer now, you've got your own life and he's got his, obviously." As right as they were, it had still left a lasting effect on me. Why? I don't know, but I do know it's something I'll still be worrying over for the next couple of days. Jack then left the booth, leaving it to Olivia and I. As we waited for Dakota to return, Olivia's phone beeped.
"Shoot." She mumbled to herself with frustration.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"It's William, he said he needs us down there at Red Mann's for some help." Just then, Jack ran back to us.
"Guys, where's Dakota? I can't find him anywhere." He says frantically as he looked around in the shop. We both stand as begin walking around the shop, searching for Dakota.
"Guys, I've really gotta get to Red Mann's." Olivia whined as she helped us. I grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to look at me.
"You go to Red Mann's, I'll stay here and help Jack find Dakota. Okay?" I planned for her.
She nodded before looking over at a panicking Jack, "Okay. Text me when you find him."
"And text me on what goes on at Red Mann's." I replied before she rushes out the door, jingling it.

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