A long road

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"Excuse me." Sawyer says before getting up from the table and disappearing down the hall. Until I knew he was out of view, I quietly got up and snuck out the front door before sprinting toward the empty road. I had to keep running until I was out of view, Out of sight. I needed to get out of here, I didn't agree to this. All I needed was help, but then got trapped into helping a crazy family. This isn't what I asked for, nor needed. My chest tightened as I began wheezing, begging my legs just to move a little further. Once I decided that I was in the clear, I slowed into a walking pace. It was until this moment that I had realized how hot it was. How the sun beat down on me and the rest of the desert. I took in my surroundings, attempting to find a sign of a building and I'd finally found a white building, barely visible to my eyes. Considering myself lucky, I started my journey to the squared building. The only sounds being my boots kicking up dirt and other insects that hid within the land. Sweat trickled down from my temples. I took the plaid top off before tying it around my waist, leaving just the white tank top with a sweat stain already forming on my chest. I winced, my boots slowly rubbed against my toes, the pain telling me blisters were coming soon. I narrowed my eyes back on the white square but it had seemed the more steps I took, the further it appeared. Stopping for a moment, I held my thumb out. A few seconds passed and a car came rolling down the road but as I outstretched my arm further, they moved over, ignoring my pleas for a ride.
"Screw you!" I screamed as they continued driving down the road. Beginning to cough, I quickly regained myself and started on my walk once again, not bothering to beg for anymore vehicles to show me mercy.

The sign appeared bigger to me now, it read "Cobra Desert". When I took in the surroundings around the sign, it appeared to be a gas station. I sighed relieved, attempting to run up to the station, but weakness took over my body once I fell to the hard ground.
"Ugh!" I winced as a rock had scraped against my eyebrow. Lifting myself up off the ground, I swung lazily into the station. The freezing feel of an A/C filled the air once I entered the building.
An employee rushed up to me, "Ma'am, are you alright?" I looked up to him. His hair was dark and long, covering his eyes.
"W-water." I coughed out. He rushed off before giving me a cold bottle of water. Swiftly taking the cap off, I begin chugging the water. An older woman who had came in before me, begins going up and down the aisles, staring me down.
The employee turned around, "She's alright." But that didn't stop her from staring. I looked up to face the man again, but he appeared to only be a shadow now. A dark silhouette, hunched over me.
"You're not...real?" I weakly spoke before falling to the floor once again, my sweaty face meeting the cold floor. Or so, I thought.

I coughed along with some wheezes before sitting up and realizing, I never made it to the gas station, but I was still in the desert completely alone. The golden sunset came over me as I directed my eyes to the building of where I had seen the sign and spotted it, but it was much further than what I remembered. I gain enough energy and walk again but I instead fall right back down. Examining my right leg, I notice an area of swelling, along with redness. Did I get stung? As if to answer my silent question, a scorpion was seen crawling away from me. I winced as I quickly began crawling away and towards the building. No water, no food. Stung by a scorpion. Hallucinating. How long have I been out here? How long was I hallucinating? As I cried to myself while crawling across desert, headlights came from behind me. I crawled faster to the sign as to beat the car but then my eyes followed the vehicle and noticed they stopped at the building.

Finally, making it to the building by crawling, the truck was still parked there but the people were nowhere in sight. I got to my knees and start to make my way through the doors of the building. Before making it completely through the door, I fall onto the cold ground. This is how it felt before. Suddenly, a face was in my view.
"Alana?" The voice called out to me. My eyesight became blurred then eventually my eyes had closed as the cold ground felt soothing to my red and hot skin. Until the person starts lifting me up from off the ground.
I fought against the grip weakly, "Get your hands off of me!" I snapped at the person.
"It'll be okay, we're gonna get you help." The voice spoke out again.

I opened my eyes to see a man sitting at the edge of the bed I found myself laying in.
"S-Sawyer?" I croaked out.
He took a few scoots closer to me, putting his hand gently on my shoulder. "You're okay now. Drink some water." He says before handing me a glass of water. Without hesitation, I chugged the whole glass.
"Where am I?" I questioned him, using my hands to lift me up into a sitting position.
"You're back at the farm with us. I received a call from the Cobra gas station saying something about a delirious girl." He informed me.
"That wasn't a hallucination?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows with confusion.

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