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Hanging up the clothes on the clothing line, I feel a presence of somebody come from behind me, but I kept my focus on the chore I continued doing.
"Looks like a storm is brewing." The voice spoke. Glancing up at the sky, it was painted with a dark grey, slowly turning into a blackening cloud. I turned to face the man behind me and there stood Mike.
"Yeah." I simply replied before turning to putting a top on a pin. I hear his heavy footsteps walks besides me, his eyes staying on me as I did the chore.
"We don't need no help, but Berk has always liked to force people to do things for him." Mike stated. Instead of replying, I continued on with my chore. As I finished up, he was still standing there, still watching me.
"Do you need something, Mike?" I questioned him politely.
He sighed, "Just do as Berk says. You ain't gonna be going outside at night," he pauses before taking a step closer and lowering his voice, "there's a lot of things out there that you don't wanna come face to face with." He told me, before walking around the side of the home, disappearing. I stood there for a moment, stunned on the ominous statement before looking around me. The wind had suddenly picked up, howling through my ears. An eagle from above soared above me, it's wings spreading far out. I quickly rushed to my next chore, feeling uneasy in the spot I stood in.

As I had watered the last plant around the house, a car from behind pulled through the rocky driveway. Turning around, I see Sawyer driving my car with a serious expression. I smiled, putting the watering can down and running the my car.
"Aw, I missed you!" I squealed. Sawyer got out and stood by me for a moment as I took a long stare at my newly fixed car.
"So, Uhm, before you leave, you think you could have a last dinner with us?" He questions as he looked down at his boots as he kicked the rocks around gently.
"Yes, of course." I smiled as he looked up with a relieved grin.
"Great! Let me get everything ready." He said with a growing smile before rushing into the house. I shook my head and smiled. Finally, I can leave soon. Before following him into the house, my eyes glanced up to the darkening sky above. As I did so, the sky had rumbled lowly in response. Mike was right about the storm.

Berk laughed at something Sawyer had said as we all chatted and all got alone well for the first time in a while. Every time I laughed, Sawyer was quick to glance over to me as if he didn't want to miss my smile.
Berk cleared his throat before looking to me, "So, tell us a little bit about yourself. Your history." Suddenly, all heads were towards me now.
"Well, I grew up with two sisters and my mom in Texas." I started out.
"No father?" Mike interrupted.
Berk shot him a glare, "Mike Legend."
"No, it's alright. No father. He left when I was little." I shrugged my shoulders. Before going on, Sawyer put his hand on top of my own and as my eyes followed up to his face, he mouthed the words, "I'm sorry." I grinned at him in response. Suddenly, Celeste gets up and turns on a nearby radio that sat on top of an end table. The first thing that comes over the radio is some loud country song.
"Let's lighten up the mood, shall we?" Celeste smiled, her eyes bouncing from each person. Berk places down his napkin on his empty plate and begins swaying with Celeste.
"Oh brother." Polly groaned as she ran upstairs to her bedroom. The rest of us laughed at the scene, except for Mike who sat silently, focusing on his food.
"You guys should dance." George said to Sawyer. Sawyer then turned to me with widened eyes at the suggestion.
"Only if you want to!" He quickly replied. Rolling my eyes with a laugh, I gently took his hand from the table top and began to dance with him. George switched seats to sit by Mike, talking into his ear.
"So, two sisters huh?" Sawyer questioned.
"Yep. Samantha and Alexia, I'm the oldest of both." I answered.
"Huh, that we have in common." He laughed. As I went to speak once again, a loud noise from outside distracted me, and the rest of the family. I let go of Sawyer who then grabbed ahold of my wrist just before I got to the front door.
"No." Sawyer spoke lowly. I looked back at the family who stood cautiously now, including Mike.
"Don't go out there." Mike warned as his eyebrows narrowed at me. I scoffed, pushing Sawyer's grip off of me before heading outside with him running after me. As I ran to my car, I stopped. All four of my tires, slashed. Turning around to face Sawyer, he didn't look surprised. Just concerned.
"Who is doing this? I know it's one of you." I barked at him.
"We need to get inside, right now, Alana." He numbed his under breath. Mike walked onto the porch, staring us down. I pushed Sawyer aside, staring Mike down.
"You're doing this aren't you?" I inquired him. I expected a mischievous grin like always, but he was more serious. His lips were a straight line, his face emotionless as he stared back at me.
"Y'all are gonna get killed out here if you don't come in now." He simply said before returning into the house. Before I could argue anymore, a screech was heard from the backyard. As I turn to face Sawyer, he swooped me up over his shoulder and began running towards the house.

"What was that?" I asked as Sawyer draped a blanket around my shoulders, taking a seat next to me at the kitchen table. He sighed heavily to himself before taking a long sip of milk from his cup.
"It was a noise." He shrugged his shoulders.
I leaned into him, "You need to tell me. I have the right to know." Suddenly, footsteps came from the stairs and came to the kitchen.
Sawyer turned, "George, shouldn't you be asleep like everyone else?"
"It has many names, you can just name it anything you'd want and it would probably fit it's description and personality." George spoke, looking at me through his hair that covered his brown eyes.
"What does it do? What does it want?" I asked George, ignoring Sawyer's presence.
He shrugged, "It kills anything it can. It doesn't want anything but to kill." Sawyer rises and gently grabs George by the shoulder. "Get to sleep, kid." Sawyer said, his voice turning gruff from sleepiness.

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