Legend Farm, best farm

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Leaning against his car, I watched the private conversation be exchanged with hi, and the police officers who held a notepad in hand, occasionally writing things down in it before glancing over to me momentarily. Mike followed his gaze, looking back at me before returning his focus back onto the officer, shaking his head about something that was said before the cop nodded, returning to his vehicle. As Mike walked over, I straighten my posture.
"So, what's going on?" I questioned him. His eyes glared over to the house that was now emptied out by the police. However, in his head, I don't think he could forget what he saw. Of course, he hid his emotion with furrowed eyebrows.
"Cops are investigating it, meaning basically nothing can be done. See, they don't believe in us. The legend family, nor the community here about the things we've seen." He says. He waves his hand, gesturing to the car for me to get in. Once we both sat inside the car, he begins to drive down the dimming road.
"I'm actually quite shocked the cops don't believe you. I mean, they talk about you guys so highly." I replied and he scoffs to himself, tightening his fingers around the leather steering wheel.
"Because we are the best farm in town, The Legend farm, all the other farms and farmers are hanging on by a thread." He informs me. I look out the window, watching the wind pick up as it throws dirt around.
"You guys aren't?" I asked. Instead of replying, he stuck to the silence. Was it because I was actually right? I wondered.

Right when we entered the long driveway of the home, he slapped his hand over my hand to keep me still in the seat.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked him, snatching my hand out from underneath his. His eyes stayed focused on the home, watching his family gather around the dinner table.
"You can't mention about what happened tonight to any of them." He said, his eyes now staring into mine. Glancing at the home, I seen how happy they seemed to be at the moment. No stress, fear or worries from what I could see and for once, I understood why Mike.
"Promise me? You can't tell them whatsoever."
I sighed softly, "I promise." He nodded hesitantly before getting out before I rushed up beside him, entering the home. Sawyer hovered over the table, helping his family get servings of food as plates and glasses clanked against each other. He stopped once he saw the two of us walk in.
"What took you two so long?" Sawyer inquired us, looking between Mike and I. Looking to Mike for help, he nodded before turning to Sawyer with a sly smirk.
"You know how I like to take the long way home, taking in the desert scene." He winked at Sawyer before sitting down at the table as he begins to fix himself a plate of food.
Berk cleared his throat, "Well we're just glad you're both here now, now let's eat."

As Sawyer and I offered to wash the dishes while the rest of the family went off their own way of doing things, Sawyer cleared his throat to speak for the first time.
"So, what was your chore with Mike?" Sawyer asked as he scrubbed the yellow sponge against the white glass plate clean from food stains, as I did the same movements with my plate.
"Oh just a few things, I didn't really pay attention. Suppose Berk just wanted me there along the ride." I replied, forcing a small and dry laugh.
"Like what few things?"
I stopped scrubbing with a huff, "I don't know Sawyer, ask Mike!" He paused, appearing stunned before continuing scrubbing once again.
"Sorry I asked." He replies in a hushed tone before applying his focus back onto washing the dish for the rest of the time.

As I wandered up the stairs, ready to sleep, Celeste whispers over to me from her bedroom door. As I make my way up to her, she hands me a folded nightgown.
"This is for you. I couldn't help but notice that you're running out of clothes to wear." She whispered to me, putting the floral nightgown into my hands.
"But I'll be leaving in a few days or less." I whispered back.
She shakes her head, "You can keep it." I looked down at the nightgown with a smile.
"Thank you Celeste." I whispered before returning to the bedroom. Putting the gown on, it fell right at my shins, flowing. I laid down in my bed, closing my eyes although thoughts kept my wide awake. However, I kept them closed hoping for some sleep at some point.

The sound of the bedroom door creaking woke me up, though my eyes stayed closed from the tiredness I felt. Following the door creaking opened, I then heard heavy footsteps.
"Get up, Alana. It's time to take you away." The voice spoke, though I couldn't quite make out who it was. Keeping my eyes closed, I walked alongside the person as they walked me down the steps.
"Oh forget this." The voice became irritated before swiftly lifting me up and walking. From the cool air inside the house, I was met with the heat of the summer along with the beating sun shining down on me. Opening my blurry eyes, I looked up to see Mike carrying me.
"Mike? What's going on?" I asked him.
"You have a job to get to." He simply replied.

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