To be or not to be

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We drove into the driveway, Polly rushes out and goes inside by Celeste sits by me as we both stayed silent for a moment.
"Why is your ex all the way over here?" She questioned.
"He moved up here for college and a better career, guess we both had the same idea." I shrugged, still in shock from seeing his face again for the first time in years.
"Maybe it was destined for you two to meet again." She giggles to herself as she gets out from the car. My eyes bugged out as I quickly followed her from behind.
"Uhm, how do you mean by that?" I laughed awkwardly, following her through the front door and into the kitchen. She began to takes out pots from the cabinets before beginning on the meal of the night.
"It was just a joke, I apologize." She laughed, shaking her head. As I go to speak, a knock on the front door stops me. Mike opens up the front door, however his body blocked me from who it was.
I faced back toward Celeste, "You think we are destined?"
She shrugged, "I didn't mean anything by it. I don't even know the boy, so it's not my place to say anything." Suddenly, Mike comes up from behind me.
"Someone is here to see you." Mike says before moving to the side, revealing Ethan. Just as I thought my eyes couldn't widen even more, they did in that moment.
"Oh, he's cute." Polly whispers from behind me. I quickly take Ethan's wrist and drag him outside along with me.
"What're you doing here? How'd you even find me?" I inquired him.
"I followed the car you got in, look, I'm just really concerned and honestly, I miss you." He admitted, his hair covering his eyes as he looked away nervously. The admittance hurt, but I had more things to worry about. Bigger things.
"These people are nice, besides I'm just saving up enough money to pay this guy for fixing my car." I admit to him. For a moment, he looks into my eyes before rushing over to his car, bringing back his wallet to me.
"How much?" He questions looking into his full wallet.
"Uh, I have to pay him back one-fifty." I confessed as he gave me the exact amount of money, placing it into my hand and closing my fist with his hands.
"Here, you take this, pay that guy back and you can come back with me." He offers with a hopeful smile on his face. My eyes glance back over at the farmhouse, and through the windows, I saw the whole family, smiling and laughing as they surrounded the dining room table. It was the first that I really saw them all happy together, even Mike who was smiling by his brothers. Perhaps, I have been the problem this whole time.
I look back at Ethan, "I don't remember the address, but it's not far from here and the house is all on it's own. Can you take me there to give him this?" Without another word, he rushed to his car and held the passenger door open for me to enter.

I slid the money under the front door before taking off into Ethan's car again. My arm hung out the car window while I watched the sun go down in the darkening sky.
"So, you're going to stay here in Utah?" Ethan asked as he turned the music on the radio down.
"Yeah, but I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my job." I admitted to him.
"When do you start?"
"Well, I start it the first weekend of September." I answered him. As I said that, he took a sharp turn into a restaurant.
"Why don't I take you out, my treat." He flashed his whitened smile at me. My stomach turned with nervousness.
"Ethan, I can't. We aren't together anymore."
"This isn't a date though." He shrugged his shoulders innocently.
"I need to get back to the family I've been staying at, it's getting late." I insisted. With a heavy sigh, Ethan started up the car again before heading down the road. The rest of the car ride was silent, and this is how I knew he was upset.

As I go to open the door, he stops me.
"What did I do wrong?" He asked me. It was safe to say, it was a question that caught me off guard.
"You didn't do anything wrong, it just wasn't working out between us, you know this." I replied. My eyes looked around and I took notice that it was now officially dark out and I unfortunately knew what that meant for me, but Ethan did not.
"We could be better now." He pleaded.
"Ethan, we can talk another time but I must get inside." I said before opening the door and rushing up to the porch. Unfortunately, he had followed and took me by my arm, keeping me in place on the front porch.
"We need to talk about this now!" He yelled. I flinched in response and began looking around the yard for anything that lurked in the shadows.
"You need to keep your voice down!" I whispered with my eyes widened. Suddenly the door opens up and there stands Sawyer next to Berk.
"What's going on out here?" Sawyer questioned as his eyes glared at Ethan, scanning him from top to bottom.
"I'm having a private conversation with my ex, is that alright with you?" Ethan barked back at Sawyer.
"I have nothing to do with you anymore so let me go!" I couldn't help but yell as I attempted to wiggle out of his tightening grip. Luckily, Sawyer pushed Ethan back, taking him by surprise and letting his grip slip off of me.
"Get off my property before you regret it, son." Berk gritted at Ethan who stood out in his yard by his lonesome before finally, slamming the front door. I rushed upstairs, going into the bedroom and laying down with my thoughts that bombarded me and my mind.

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