Searching for answers

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While I drank my warm coffee, Sawyer begin to explain his sudden appearance in town.
"I don't know how else to say this so I'm just gonna say it, Ethan Mill's father is looking for you." Sawyer informed with information I had already known for a while now.
"Yeah, David Mill." I replied, watching people rush by on the sidewalk outside as gentle rain came down.
"Uh, yeah, how'd you know?" He asked. Instead of replying with words, I unbuttoned my shirt for work and showed him the scratch marks from David's nails.
"We've met." I showed the red marks. As I looked back up to Sawyer, his nostrils flared rapidly as his soft puppy like eyes, grew. Quickly, he took a long sip of his coffee before he spoke again.
"I'm gonna take you to work and hang around for now." Sawyer insisted.
I leaned over the table, "Sawyer, I don't need you up in my space. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself." Just then, Jack came up to our table with an awkward stance, placing the bill down.
"Everything okay here?" He asked us. Sawyer did a short nod before facing me again.
"You can handle yourself? Then did you handle David Mill giving you those scratch marks?" Sawyer questioned with sass. I flinched as the words had hurt me, especially coming from Sawyer.
"I was caught off guard, okay? You need to worry about your own life." I sassed back before getting up and walking out of the cafe as Sawyer rushed behind me, grabbing my wrist to spin me around.
"Let me just take you to work, I just want to keep you safe." He spoke gently as the rain fell over us, his cowboy hat covered his face but as for me, my hair was becoming dampened. I couldn't help a small grin come across my face as he said those words.
"Okay." I accepted his offer as he took me along to his truck.

While he drove, I watched the cars pass us by. Their tires rushing against the puddles of water scattered around the roads. Looking up, the sky appeared to be a cloudy and dim morning. Though, I suppose it was turning into autumn. This is what I had to look forward to and I couldn't complain too much about it. As I looked over to Sawyer, he wa scratching his stubble that was slowly becoming thicker.
"You gonna shave that thing?" I asked him with a chuckle. It had seemed I'd caught him out of his thoughts when he took a double glance at me, then appearing with a goofy smile.
"My beard? No way." He laughed in his throat.
I looked forward at the road ahead of us, "Good. It looks good on you." I complimented as the rest of the way had turned silent, other than the raindrops pouncing onto the car windows.

Walking up to Olivia and Amelia, Sawyer introduced himself to the two.
"Howdy ladies, I'm Sawyer Legend." He tipped his hat just slightly before facing back up.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Olivia and this is Amelia." Olivia introduced her and Amelia with a big smile. Though, Amelia didn't express the same feelings. Amelia's eyes traced Sawyer's tall appearance up and down with a judgmental glare.
"Legend? You're apart of that Legend farm, aren't you?" Amelia inquired him. My eyes wandered over to Sawyer who gulped roughly, was he intimidated by her? Or was it the question that shook him? Why?
"Yeah, I'm one of Berk's sons." Sawyer answered. Olivia spun around to see a group who had attempted to get her attention.
"Oh, group incoming, Amelia!" Olivia interrupted, grabbing Amelia away from us and taking her up to the family. Turning to Sawyer, he sighed heavily as if it had been a chore talking to them.
"Geez, you alright?" I asked him.
"Yeah, that girl, Amelia, she seems like a hand full." He replied. As I begin to walk back to the shack, he followed beside me.
"So, you just gonna follow me around all day?" I laughed.
His shoulders shrugged through his brown heavy jacket, "In case that David Hill comes back, he's definitely lost it since what happened to his son." Sawyer said.

As we made it indoors, the heater warmed up the quaint shack. Sitting at the desk, Sawyer sat at the edge of the twin sized bed.
"Why is he so angry with me? He had told me that, I'd better tell him where his son was. Does he not know his son is dead?" I thought out loud.
"Alana, there's something I'd been meaning to tell you about that." Sawyer begins slowly.
I looked over to him to see his face down, staring into his lap, "Tell me what, Sawyer?"
"Ethan's body had been discovered, yes, but when they had came to retrieve his body," he paused for a moment, as if he were thinking how to finish the statement, "his body was gone. Just,— completely gone." He said, looking up at me for my reaction. Though, I had no reaction. My eyes stared off, looking empty while my mind raced with thoughts.
"Ethan is missing?" I asked.
"Technically, he is now." Sawyer confirmed with me. Before I could say anything else, Amelia came rushing in, her hand rummaging through the desk for items.
"Hey, is everything okay Amelia?" I asked her as she continued rushing around the shack.
"We got a missing family member. I'll be back in a few hours." Amelia spoke, breathless before rushing back outdoors. Sawyer and I ran out to catch up with her.
"Hey, we can help you search!" I hollered over at her.
She stopped before glancing back at us, "Uh, yeah. Sure, just meet up at the shack at noon." She ordered before rushing off with Olivia. Before we set off, I went inside the shack for the compass and walkie-talkie and Sawyer began to walk alongside me.
"So, who are we looking for?" I said over the walkie-talkie.
"A little boy, about eleven years old. Short blond hair, brown eyes. Wearing a red and blue tracksuit." Olivia informed me over the walkie.

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