The new friend

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I readjusted the blanket around my shoulders, tightening it around me.
"It kills? What was George talking about?" I questioned Sawyer who sat down again once we were alone once again. He placed his hands on top of the table, fiddling with his hands together.
"It's a creature that's been haunting us since we moved here. At first, we didn't understand. We tried many things to get rid of it." He admitted to me, all the while avoiding my gaze.
"You tried to get rid of it?" I asked.
He nodded, "Until one day, Berk, he met with a man who knew about this creature. The man goes by the name Anakin. Anakin, he grew up around here and he was taught about this creature as he grew up."
"Why don't you just move?" His head flinched back at my question, his eyebrows furrowing.
"We can't just move, Alana. This is our home, our business. Besides, Anakin told us we couldn't move, it would only follow us." He informed.
"I suppose I could understand that, but George said that it wants to kill." I spoke.
"Yes, they all want to kill. But, as long as you pay them no attention, it will be okay." He replied. Footsteps slap against the wooden stairs as Celeste comes into view.
"Time for bed, kids. Alana, are you okay?" Celeste questioned as she leaned against the wall. Sawyer glanced back at me.
"Yes." I forcibly replied with a tightened smile. She frowned before making her way back up into her bedroom.
Sawyer stands, "We should get you to your room." He holds out his hand for mine, and I place it gently into his as we walk towards the room.

As I make myself comfortable into the bed, Sawyer sits at the edge of it.
"Is that why you guys have a curfew?" I questioned Sawyer.
"Yeah, it's safer to be inside before night arrives." He answers. As he rises from the bed, I grab ahold of his wrist.
"Please, don't leave." My voice had came out much shakier than intended. Through the dim light that just barely lightened up the room, I could see his dimple.
"You're safe inside, you'll be okay." He reassured me. Before I could argue back, he slipped from my grasp, walking down the hall before disappearing for the remainder of the night. I rolled over, my eyes staying glued to the window. Is this my new life now? It can't be. I have a new career waiting for me, and I'm determined to make it.

A loud thump awoken me from my restful sleep. Rushing over to the window, I look out to see Mike looking up at me. He motioned me to come down and I quickly got dressed into the overalls. As I head toward the door, Berk's voice interrupted.
"How are we today, Alana?" He asks as his eyes are attached to the newspaper in his hands. Celeste was at the table as she sewed away with Polly by her side.
"I'm okay, thanks." I smiled. Thankfully, I was able to leave his presence without another word being spoken.

Coming up on Mike, Sawyer and George, Mike turns to me as the other two get distracted with a farm chore.
"I know a guy that will recover your car in no time so you can get out of here." Mike offers as his eyes squint against the rising sun.
"Really? That would be amazing." I replied with a smile.
He smirks, "We'll have to pay him a visit first, then he'll follow us back here." He says before walking past me and getting into a red truck that was parked at the side of the home. Attempting to follow him, I'm stopped by Sawyer.
"What's going on here?" Sawyer asked as he wiped his face with an already dirty rag. I looked to Mike for some help but he instead kept his face poked out with a grin.
"We're off to do some errands." I lied slightly to him. His eyes hardened on his brother who sat in the truck before focusing in on me.
"Did you let Berk know?" Sawyer questioned me.
"I-" was all I could say before Mike began to start honking his horn. I hurried away from Sawyer before jumping into the truck with Mike.
"We'll be back soon!" I hollered as Mike began driving quickly out of the driveway.

Mike knocks on the creaky front door and a few minutes pass and a man answers the door. His appearance appeared to be unkept, as his short blonde hair was dried out, with a beard that matched.
"Aww, Mikey boy. Come on in." His hoarse voice called out with a hidden smile.
"I told you not to call me that." Mike spat back at him. For being smaller than the man, Mike kept his usual sassy attitude. As I went to follow Mike into the house, the man stopped me.
"Who's this?" The man's blue eyes stopped on me, looking me up and down.
"That's Alana, she's the one I was talking about, remember Jeff?" Mike replied. He was talking about me to this strange man? Suddenly, he smirked and stepped aside, allowing me to walk through the creaky wooden floor. I stopped beside Mike, being slightly creeped out of the man.
"So, you need your vehicle fixed, yes?" The man asked as he sat down onto his leather couch. His home appeared to be just as unkept as his appearance as the couch held deep cuts within it, revealing white stuffing.
"Uhm, yeah. The tires, they're all flat." I confirmed his question. He laughed until it went into a coughing fit.
"Not the worst I've seen." He replies as he lights a nearby candle that sat on a nightstand. Soon enough, the scent of sandalwood took over my nostrils instead of the original smell of old beer.
"So, will you be able to follow us back to fix her tires or not?" Mike interrupted as he began to grow impatient with Jeff.
He stood up from his couch, "Yeah man, let me just change into something a bit more appropriate and I'll follow." Taking in his outfit, he was wearing pajamas. Mike grabbed ahold of my arm, taking me out with him as we stopped at the truck.
"Mike, how old is this man?" I questioned him.
"He's like, thirty-four. Why?" He asked.
"Well, it just seems he's a bit, unkept?" I weakly suggested the description.
He laughed, "Yeah, well, he's been through a whole lot."
"Like what?" I asked, but Mike only looked at me for a moment before Jeff walked out to meet up with us. Tattoos were lined down both of his arms as he came out with a black tank top, revealing muscles alongside.
"Are we ready?" He asked with a smile.

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