The Confrontation

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"What was that?" I whispered while Berk drove us home along with Celeste in the passenger seat. Sawyer fought for my eyes as I kept my head down low, attempting to understand what just happened.
"It was just some wild animal, it happens all the time." He whispers in response to me as he pats my leg.
"You two shouldn't have even been out past nine o'clock." Berk intruded, his words boomed throughout the silent truck.
Celeste turns her head to the side, "Y'all alright?" Her tone was much more caring and gentle than Berk's. It was a nice change.
Sawyer hesitated with his answer as he glanced over to me, "We will be." He answers. Celeste nods with a frown before sinking into the seat again.
"Always gotta be breaking some rule." Berk mumbled under his breath, but clearly wanting to be heard at once. In the side of my eye was Sawyer, scooting closer to Berk with his jaw already tightening. I scooted closer to the window, basically hugging the door, wanting to be let out in fear of what was to happen.
"I didn't break any rule. I'm twenty-three years old, I don't got no curfew." Sawyer spat back at his father who tightened his hands around the wheel. I saw now, where Sawyer got his anger from.
"Oh yes you do, everybody on the farm has one and you gotta be stupid to believe you ain't got one." Berk argued.
"Berk, they were just trying to have a nice time." Celeste defended with her soft voice, trying to calm her family down, however, it did little good for either of them.
"A nice time, huh?" Berk repeated with disgust. Sawyer gripped tightly at the headrest that sat behind Berk the more angrier he became.
"What's wrong with having a nice time? We aren't allowed to live anymore?" Sawyer roared back. Suddenly, the truck had stopped so abruptly that had us all swing forward. I looked up and saw we were in the drive way of the home now.
"Get out. I'll retrieve your truck." Berk said in a calmer voice. Sawyer glanced at me for a moment, as if he were sorry for me before getting out as I did the same. Sawyer and I stand together in the front yard as Berk drives off with Celeste until they were no longer in sight. From behind, the front screen door slams open and closes. We look back to see George standing on the porch, leaning against the porch's pillar. His dark waves covered half of his eyes, his full appearance still a mystery to me.
"Y'all shouldn't be out here at night. You know that, Sawyer." George warned with his timid demeanor. Sawyer nods before George makes his way back into the home.
"Sawyer, I need to speak to you." I say, turning to him.
"Okay but let's get inside first." He says, leading me inside.

Sawyer and I sat at the island in the kitchen when the front door swings open with Celeste and Berk.
"Goodnight kids." Celeste says from the hallway, smiling at the two of us. Though, Berk was already heading upstairs, ignoring our presence. As we said our goodnights to her, Sawyer faces me.
"Now, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" He questioned me.
"The other morning, why did you have blood on your hands?" My blunt question made him widen his eyes for a moment before thinking.
"Oh, that? That was just an accident. Injuries are common on the farm." He assured me.
I sighed heavily, "No. You were trying to hide it from me."
"No I wasn't," he scoffed, "I got hurt and wanted to move on with farm chores. What is it you're trying to do here?" He asked me with offense in his tone.
I stand up from the chair, "Something is going on around here and I want to be informed on it or else I'm not staying here anymore." I threatened him. His face was blank for a moment before turning into an aggressive scowl as he stands to his feet as well.
"Nothing is going on. Now, I don't need Berk and now you to be on my back for absolutely nothing." He snapped at me, which for a moment, startled me but I quickly regained my composure as for my frustration fought over me.
"You don't need to worry about me being on your back because I am not staying here no more!" I yelled at him before stomping up the stairs with him rushing after me.
"It's family drama, nothing else." He tried to assure me while I quickly got my stuff together in my backpack. As I went to leave the bedroom, Mike and George were standing at the end of the hallway, dumbfounded at the sight of Sawyer and I arguing.
"She's here for what, three days? And you're already getting yelled at." Mike smirked at Sawyer.
"Mind your business." Sawyer spat back at Mike who seemed to not be phased by his anger.
"Does anybody want to tell me the truth about this place or should I leave?" I questioned. George stood with his arms together, not even daring to meet my eyes. As for Mike, he seemed entertained.
"Trust me, if I were you, I would leave too. But not until morning time." Mike says before going into his room, passed Sawyer and I.
"That's it, I'm over this." I scoffed before rushing down the stairs. As my hand reaches for the door knob to the front door, a door from upstairs swings open with Berk, holding a shotgun.
"Don't you move. Don't nobody move." Berk warned us, but staring at me as he said it. Sawyer slowly took my wrist and tightened his grip around it, making sure I wouldn't move out the door.
"What is going on?" I questioned in a shaken whisper, frightened by Berk.
Sawyer looks to me, "I'm sorry." I glance to Sawyer who appeared guilty as he looked at me, then to Berk who was frozen still in front of his bedroom door, holding his shotgun as George stood still in the hallway upstairs. What was this family up to? I needed to find out and I think now is the time.

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