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My eyes had opened wider at her, feeling hurt by what she had done to me. If only I had known that she was a betrayer, I could've avoided this mistake.
"You wanna say anything about this, Gina?" Sawyer questioned her, waving the old piece of paper around. Instead, she stuck to being silent before cuddling her knees to her chest tightly. Jack looked up at me before standing up and scoffing at Sawyer. This had taken Sawyer by surprise when he expressed a shocked expression on his face, before an amused grin came across his face.
"Alana didn't do nothing. Gina dragged her along with us. I just met her today and when she told us how much she hates you all, I was down with her plan." Jack rambled on rapidly as he became more angry with the situation.
"Oh really? And what was that plan? You thought to frame us? Possibly even get some false dirt on us?" Mike interrupted, walking ahead of Sawyer and staring down Jack. Jack couldn't fight, he'd surely lose. His fragile frame against another slim, yet a muscular one at that from hard labor, there'd be no way of him winning it. I had to do something to break this tense air up.
"It was a mistake coming here, we won't be doing anything. Right Jack, Gina?" I said, inserting myself in between him and Jack. Gina shrugged her shoulder as she stayed sat and Jack stepped back, yet still glaring Mike down.
"Y'all won't be doing nothing, you got that part right." Sawyer speaks up with a calm voice before ripping the article into multiple shreds, allowing each piece to sway gently to the ground. Suddenly, Gina scrambled across the floor before grabbing all the pieces together.
"No, no, no!" Gina squeaked, frantically searching for the last piece. As she went to pick up the last piece, Mike's boot stepped down onto it, hiding it from Gina.
"And why do you need that ma'am?" Mike questioned, crouching down on one knee.
She slowly tilted her head up at Mike with teary eyes, "I know what your family does." Mike chuckled before looking up at Sawyer who wandered over to a corner of the basement, keeping quiet now.
"What do you think my family does?" He asks her, looking through her eyes.
"You make people disappear, including my own son and ex-husband."
Mike rolled his eyes, "Okay, who were they?"
"Ethan Mill is my son and my husband- Hm, ex-husband, is David Mill." She informed Mike. Though, to Mike, all of this information was humorous to him. To Gina, she hadn't known that he found it to be so. In her weak soft voice and her eyes filled with tears, she admitted the relationships with hope, hope that he could help her too. Despite Gina framing me, I couldn't help but feel bad for her. Especially when I knew and held the truth on my shoulders while she grew more restless.
"You've gotta be kidding me." Mike says before standing up away from Gina. She stood up quickly with excitement, following Mike from behind.
"What? Do you know where they are?" She asked him, her voice became strong with hope now. Jack glanced over to me with furrowed eyebrows, an expression that I also held. A kind of, what the heck do we do? Expression.
"Oh, you might wanna inquire Sawyer on that bit of information. Or even, better yet, her." Mike says before pointing over to me with his arm stretched out. Gina slowly turned to face me with tears that strolled down her cheeks.
"Oh no." She shook her head quickly before rushing over to me, holding my hands in hers.
"Gina, I don't know what happened to them, I promise." I winced as her hands tightened around my with mixed emotions. Anger, sadness, lost. Before anything could be said or done, footsteps were heard from above before calmly walking down the steps into the basement. To my shocking view and to everybody else's, stood Dakota. Overalls and his boots with his short, dark and messy hair. In one hand, he held a pocket knife before twirling it around and placing it inside of his pocket.
"I've been looking for you, well, in fact, I've been looking for most of you." Dakota spoke in his soft voice before turning around and locking eyes onto me.
"Dakota, what're you doing here? Where's Olivia? She's going to be worried sick when there's a tornado-
"No need to worry. I told her where I was going. I'm here for many reasons however." He explains to me, walking closer.
Gina stares at him, examining him with focus, "You're that boy that went missing forever ago."
"Yes, who are you?"
"I'm Gina, h-how'd you get found? My son and ex is missing after coming here." She explains to Dakota.
He breathes deeply, "Well, I can tell you one thing for sure, as much as you want to place the blame onto the Legend family, it's not them behind the disappearances." He replied to her.
"Then, w-what?"
"It's those creatures. There's so many." Dakota says, shaking his head. Sawyer quickly walks up behind Dakota, placing both of his hands on his shoulders.
"Hey, Dakota, it's nice to see you again." Sawyer quickly interrupted. Dakota slowly turned around, facing him.
"What's wrong-
"Can you come with me? To check up on everything upstairs really quick?" Sawyer asks before leading Dakota out of the basement. Jack walked over beside me and whispered lowly.
"There's something shady going on." Jack whispered to me as the legend family spoke amongst themselves.
"It wouldn't be the first time, likely won't be the last time." I whispered back as I agreed with him.
Gina makes her way to me, "I'm sorry what I did. I was just caught up in the moment." She apologized.
"It's fine." I shrugged it off.
"But- what was he talking about? That missing boy? Something about creatures." Gina brought it up once more.
"His name is Dakota. Though, I'm still confused on the topic myself." I lied to her.
She sighs heavily, "Right."

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