Found, then lost

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"Sir, you shouldn't run off without a ranger!" I hollered to him, yet he still continued sprinting towards the yelling of a familiar voice. As I broke sticks and branches that laid in front of the path with my worn shoes, I'd finally bumped into the back of David who was now standing frozen still.
"Ethan? Is t-that really you?" He breathed a breath of disbelief before I stood out from behind him to see a familiar looking creature. Boney, lanky and long limbs that had skin of rotting flesh. Grey skinned, and when it's head snapped back to take us in it's sight, it wore thin lips and black beady eyes. The cheekbones prominent on his cheeks stood out. As I attempted to get my thoughts straightened out, I had remembered the thing that Sawyer had told me back on his family's farm. Do not move.
"Don't move, David. Don't move at all." I whispered to him as it continued eyeing us down. Cautiously, it began to make it's way by crawling towards us as if it were a spider. As we stood still, it circled us. The creature soon started to sniff me, it's mouth wide opened as it did so. The breath, it had smelled like iron and rotten. I held my breath as it soon went to David, sniffing him. While it did so, my eyes glanced around the woods to see a figure in the trees, watching us.
"Son, it's me. David, your father." I heard David whimper before a loud crack was heard before the creature leaped off with David's body, hearing him let out a blood curdling scream that echoed throughout the woods a few times before it dropped and turned into the silence of the night. As I kept my feet placed into the ground, shocked from what has just happened, I feel someone grab my hand and pull me through the woods. My legs, they wobbled like jello as I ran with the person who kept my hand in theirs. Mostly, it was them who helped me run, otherwise I wouldn't be still running. Soon enough, I found myself sitting back inside of the shack on the bed with a flannel blanket wrapped around me.
"Sawyer?" I said aloud as he turned around after locking the door.
"Yes, Alana?" He replied, crouching down in front of me with his hands rested on top of my thighs.
A tear strolled down my cheeks before I spoke, "David, h-he got-got caught o-or taken or-
"It's okay, you're safe." He pulled me into a tight hug, not letting go for several moments before a gentle knock was heard at the door. Sawyer stood up as he carefully made his way to the door. As he placed his hand on the doorknob, he slid out a gun. I wiggled myself back into the corner of the bed, bringing my knees up to my chest. Sawyer opened it to find a small boy, short blond hair, brown eyes who was wearing a red and blue tracksuit. Sawyer quickly retracted his gun, hiding it before bringing in the boy who appeared dirty and had red eyes. I rushed to the med-kit as Sawyer begin to question him.
"Hey buddy, what's your name?" Sawyer asked him as the boy rubbed at his eyes.
"Grayson Till. I lost my parents and I haven't been able to find them, I'm scared." The boy whined.
Sawyer looked up to me, "Can you call your boss?" I nodded quickly before using my phone and calling William. As he answered immediately, I explained the current situation and he made his way down to the shack within just a minute. Once the police were called, the boy was soon reunited with his parents within the next two hours or so.
William turned to us with a tiresome grin, "I think it's time to call it a night. Thank you both for your help here tonight. Alana, you get this weekend off. Get some good sleep in tonight, you earned it." He said. Before I spoke, I looked up to Sawyer who stood by my side. Should I tell him about what happened earlier? I had only thought of it, but as if Sawyer knew what I was debating about, he shook his head sternly at me.
I faced William, "Right, no problem and th-thank you." William then departed, leaving for the night.
"Let's go, shall we?" Sawyer asks me as I nodded in agreement.

Once we had finally finished talking, Sawyer rises from the end of my bed before going for the front door. However, I stopped him with my hand reaching for his wrist.
"C-can you please stay?" I begged as my eyes started to burn with tears that threatened to come out. He sighed heavily before he sat back down onto the edge, taking his hat off and placing it onto his lap.
"I don't know, Alana." He replied, shaking his head.
"Please. I can't be alone tonight, not after what happened. What I witnessed tonight. How could you leave me alone after that?" My voice broke slightly as I spoke.
"Okay, alright. I'll stay for the night."
"The weekend." I suggested as he chuckled at me, shaking his head.
"The weekend?" He repeated.
"Please. Just until I go back to work, please." I begged once again as he nodded.
"Alright, to the couch I go then." He said before getting off of the bed and walking down the hall, his boots clicking against the wooden floor before stopping suddenly a moment later. Laying back down, I curled myself into the fetus position as I couldn't help but rethink about the horrifying that happened tonight. The stench of the creature's breath was still stuck in my nostrils. The scream of David as the creature took off with him in it's arms. The hair on my body all raised at once as I played it back in my mind before I finally fell asleep.

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