Attack on the Legend farm

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Upon waking up with my jeans and blouse still on from the day prior, I hear the Legend family talking to what sounded like a group of men. Rubbing my eyes, I began walking out and down the stairs until I saw Sawyer and Berk standing in the door way, talking to what seemed to be a group of policemen. Sawyer turns around and his eyes widen at me momentarily before rushing over to me, taking me back upstairs.
"What's going on?" I questioned as he brought me back to the bedroom.
"You have to stay up here until they leave, maybe get something new on and you can come down." He says before closing the door and leaving me alone in the room. Furrowing my eyebrows with confusion, I did as told and picked together a new outfit before quietly opening the door again, peeking out and down the stairs. As the men were saying their goodbyes, I eavesdropped on Berk and Sawyer's conversation once finally alone together.
"I can't believe that happened, can you believe that we're the suspects?" Berk said with a scoff.
"Well, he was found on our property, you can't blame them." Sawyer replied. I hear footsteps before Berk responds back.
"Get that Alana down here immediately." Berk says. My eyes widened as I hear heavy footsteps come my way and I quietly closed the door back and plopped on the bed as soon as Sawyer opened up the door.
His eyebrow raised, "You good?"
"Yep! What was going on down there?" I questioned him. His eyes darted anywhere else but me.
"Nothing, but Berk wants to see you." He informs me. Walking downstairs with Sawyer by my side, Berk stood at the bottom waiting.
"Mike's friend is fixing your car right now, he said it should be done by afternoon." Berk informs me and I couldn't help but smile.
"Thank goodness, I didn't think I was ever going to make it to my job." I laughed but the both of them kept serious expressions on their faces, not finding my happiness appealing.
"Anyways, we're gonna be cooking up some good lunch, for the last time. You need to be ready by noon." Berk replies, going off into the kitchen where the rest of the family was, missing only Mike.
Turning to Sawyer, "Thank you so much for everything. If it weren't for you, I'd still probably be out in the middle of nowhere."
He shrugs, "You kinda still are."
"You know what I mean." I laughed, but once again his lips were still in a straight line.
"Before you go, here's my number. So, if you ever need anything again." He hands me a small piece of paper with a number scribbled onto it. Before I could look up to him again to thank him, he was already walking away into the kitchen. I sighed heavily to myself, was he really upset I was leaving?

Standing over the porch and resting my arms on the fence, I watched Mike and his friend work on my car as sweat beads dripped down their foreheads.
"Do you guys need something to drink?" I offered.
"A glass of water." Mike hollered. Walking back inside and filling up the glasses, I turn away from the sink to bump into a smiling Polly.
"Before you leave today, I wanna teach you some things about sewing." She smiled before walking off to the sewing desk. Following her with my hands filled, I set them onto the table and sat down with the machine.
"Watch me and you can learn some things." She said as she began putting a piece of cloth underneath the needle. It vibrated up and down, making a thumping noise as it came down. I leaned in, my eyes focusing on the way it crafted with the cloth. Polly looked at me from the side, smiling widely.
"My brothers, they ain't never wanted to watch me or even learn how to sew for that matter. They didn't care too much." She spoke as she continued.
"Well, they're missing out. It's a good hobby to have, very useful." I smiled at her as she giggled to herself.
"Well, Sawyer used to sew with me."
"How come he don't no more?" I asked her. She stayed silent for a moment as her tongue made a small appearance on the side of her lips.
"Our dad wanted him to do new chores around the house." She admitted to me. The front door suddenly bursts open with a sweaty Mike and Jeff, basically panting. Mike picked up a glass of water that I had sat down before becoming distracted with Polly and the machine.
He looked me up and down with harsh eyes, "Thanks for the refreshment." Jeff then picked up the other glass of water.
"I'm sorry, Polly wanted to-
Mike groaned in the middle of my sentence, "Polly, how many times do you have to annoy someone with that thing?" Suddenly Celeste and Berk come barging through the front door with brown bags that were filled with vegetables and other food items before going into the kitchen.
"That thing is very useful and fixes those holes in your jeans." Celeste remarked and with that, Mike was quick to drop his attitude. Polly and I exchanged a laugh to one another before I stood up.
"So, my car?" I asked Jeff.
"Ready to go, oh and, thanks for the money." Jeff replied with a friendly grin before seeing himself out from the home. Celeste and Berk cooked the lunch in the kitchen while Polly went about sewing still. As I made my way to the front door to meet up with Sawyer and George who were doing their farm chores, I bumped into a police man at the front door.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologized.
"Are you Ethan Mill's girlfriend?" He questioned me.
"Uhm, no. I'm his ex actually, why?" I inquired him.
"Berk didn't tell you?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "Tell me what?" He looked down for a moment, placing his hands on his hips before looking back at me.
"Ethan was found on this property in the middle of the night, dead." Just then, Sawyer came running up from the side of the house.

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