One - Put On A Brave Face

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I hear thudding footsteps getting closer and closer, I turn and face my little sister Monica. I kiss her hair lightly "Hide in the closest baby and don't make a sound!" I whisper. She nods with tears in her eyes and hides herself in my closet. I'm not letting her get hit.

Seconds later my father bursts in. I notice several new wounds on his arms, needle wounds, meaning he's been taking yet more drugs. He stumbles over to me and whacks me hard across the face. I fall to the floor and cry out in agony. Why me? What did I ever do to deserve this?

After about 30 minutes of abuse my father leaves the house once more.
"You can come out now Monnie." I whisper hoarsely.
My 6 year old little sister jumps out of the closest and kneels beside me as I lay crumbled on the floor "Are you OK DeeDee?"
I smile weakly at her "I'm fine honey, can you help me up please?"
Monica nods and helps me stand up. I walk over to the mirror and stare in horror at the new bruises that litter my body. I've never been happy with myself but this is making me disgusted. I've got bruises all up and down my arms and several bruises along my ribs and stomach. Great. I'll have to wear a long sleeved jumper to cover these up. I walk over to my closet and pull out one of my many hoodies and yank it over my head before smiling down at Monica. "Do you wanna go to the park?"
Monica nods excitedly "Yes please!" I hold out my hand and she gladly takes it. She's so small.

Now, I know what you're thinking, surely I'd be disgusted with my cutting scars too, right? Wrong. I tried self harming once and Monica caught me, she got so upset and I never did it again. She's the only reason I'm here. She's the only reason I still live in this house. I'm 26 for heavens sake, I should be out working and living in my own house. But no, I'm my little sisters protector. I stop her getting abused by my father. He's been using drugs since before I can remember. That's why mom left him, he hit her. She never dreamed he would hit me and Monica, she thought we would be safer without her there so she left. I haven't seen her since my 13th birthday.

I can also guess something else you're wondering: I'm 26 and my sister is 6, that's a pretty huge age gap. Also, how can Monnie be my mothers child if I haven't seen my mother since I was 13 and Monica was born 7 years after that? Well, the answer is this: One day baby Monica showed up on our doorstep when my father wasn't home with a note stuck to her, saying that she was my mothers and fathers child. My mother had met him in a hotel 9 months previous to give him another chance, she slept with him and he got her pregnant. Then she realised he hasn't changed and left again. My mother believed I would be a better parent figure than her and that's exactly what I'm trying to be.

When we arrive at the park Monica instantly runs to the slides, its probably one of her favourites here. Her all time favourite thing here though is the swings, the same as me. I could swing for hours if I wanted to. "DeeDee look at me!" Monica squeals happily.
I smile up at her "Wow! Look how high you are Monnie! You're so brave!"
Monica smiles and sits down on the slide before making "whee!!!" Sounds and sliding down the slide. I realise I just said sliding down a slide, but what other words could I use!?!

She begins to climb up the slide again so I go and sit on the swings and instinctively kick myself off the ground. I take out my mothers iPod that she left for me and look through some old photos. Then I stumble across her old music she listened to. On her recently bought list from iTunes it showed several albums from the band Sleeping With Sirens. I'd never heard of them and I guess my mother never had the chance to listen to them either, they aren't on her recently played list. I plug in my earphones and listen to them. Ha, they're actually awesome! Unfortunately I will probably never know what any of them look like because I live a life with no internet which means I cant look up online interviews, music videos or pictures of any of the members. No wifi, ah the tough life I do lead!

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