(16) Plan initiated

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Theodore's POV:

"It's been two more days. Have you gotten any information yet?", Dad asked me.

He walked inside and sat down on the opposite chair.

"Yeah Dad. I asked Owen to put our men behind their Don's daughter. I asked them to discretely tail her. They were supposed to know where she goes, what she does and what is the security around her", I informed him.

I've been hoping we find something useful which will help us out with our plan.

"Good. Our sources also agree that our only chance is either her or his wife. But the thing is the daughter will still get out of the house for school and stuff, but the wife doesn't do much since we've won this mafia", Dad agreed.

"So he's being cautious", I noted.

"Yeah. I think he always has trailed his family with security around, but now he's trying to be more careful", Dad said.

I nodded. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Come in", I said instantly knowing it's Owen.

I was right. Owen walked in and nodded at my father and I taking a seat on the other chair.

"Any updates?", I asked eagerly.

"Yes. Our men we put behind the daughter have responded with some news", Owen smiled.

"What?", Dad asked curiously.

"They've been tailing her everywhere. The only time they see her outside the house is when she goes to school. She is mostly surrounded by guards. Always two with her and two more in a close distance", Owen started.

I nodded. I had expected this.

"Our men say that the only way we get her is when she leaves for school. There's too much risk otherwise. Four guards we can handle, but not when she's home. That place is obviously flooded with security and the Italian Don has his men literally everywhere", Owen explained.

I sighed. I looked at Dad and he seemed to be thinking the same.

"School it is then", Dad nods.

I agreed. Owen looked at me waiting for instructions.

"I want you to take a team with you. All extremely skilled. We can't afford any mistakes. Get the girl somehow without getting caught. Make sure the team is not too big. Too many men will attract attention", I said seriously.

"Consider it done", Owen nodded without hesitation.

I nod. He got up and left immediately no doubt to start the preparations.

"I hope this works", I said hopefully.

"It will son. It has to", Dad said seriously.

After almost five hours I was in my office with Owen and his team. Dad and Harry were also present here.

Owen had chosen Sam, Em and Dean.

"I think we four and two of our men waiting for our orders there in Italy will work fine. I have confidence", Owen said seriously.

I nodded slowly. I knew they were a strong team considering everyone was good at what they do.

"We've made a plan and I think it'll work. We guys know who's doing what and we're ready", Em smiled assuringly.

"I trust you guys. Do what you have to do. I want the girl kidnapped. Don't get caught and make sure when you come back you have no one on you tail", I said seriously.

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