(61) Theo

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Third's POV:

"I would really prefer if we announce the breakfast table as a zone for no 'school talk'. It's the start of the day for god sake", Brody groaned.

"Exactly. These past few days were so great. And now..ugh", Troy pouted, slumped in his chair.

"I might just pluck someone's hair off their scalp if they mention the word 'school' today", Leah warned, munching on her toast.

Everyone at the table smiles in amusement and continues with their breakfast.

"When's David returning?", Charlie asked curiously.

After a few days of Grace shifting to Paris, David was very restless and the only way he could calm himself was if he went there and checked on his daughter himself.

Even Susan had returned back to London the next day because she'd come here abruptly without any plan or arrangements.

"It's just been two days. He did assure me he'll be back once Grace has settled down with her apartment and work", Sebastian replied.

"Aw you must be missing him", Brody teased.

"Understatement", Rowan scoffs.

Sebastian glared at his brother.

"Oh. Is that why you slept in David's room yesterday?", James asked curiously.

"Yes. If he wouldn't have, you kids could have witnessed a depressed crying adult this morning", Rowan snorted.

Everyone laughs. Sebastian slowly turns towards him with a menacing glare.

"What?", Rowan looks innocently at his big brother. "I wasn't about to lie to my own nephew. What kind of an amazing uncle would I be if I did?"

"Uh huh", Sebastian's jaw clenches.

Everyone laughs louder.

"Aw uncle Seb, you're so cute", Dean pouts teasingly.

"Wanna try that again Dean?", Sebastian warned intimidatingly.

"Yes please, try", Chase laughs at Dean. "I would pay to watch you get beaten up."

"Me too!", A few more boys cheer.

"Assholes", Dean grumbled to himself.

Leah stood up once she finished her food and while walking towards the kitchen to put away her dish her elder brother, Theo requested her to bring some water along with her.

"So boys, ready for school tomorrow? I hope you've finished your assignments?", Theo raised an eyebrow.

Brody and Troy stared blankly at Theo. Others tried hard not to laugh.

"Cancel the water, Leah! Theo isn't thirsty anymore", Troy called out loud.

Theo gawked at his younger brother while others laughed.

"You aren't?", Leah questioned as she returned with a glass of water.

"I-- ", Theo began.

Brody cut him off. "He used the 's' word."

Leah's eyes went wide. "You didn't!", She gasped looking at Theo accusingly.

"It was an...accident?", Theo said awkwardly.

Everyone burst into fit of laughters. Wes shakes his head with a small smile on his face.

"These three are getting too dramatic. I'd ask them to join drama club in 'you-know-where'. What do you say?", Sebastian suggested leaning towards Rowan.

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