(28) Meeting them again

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Leah's POV:

I woke up the next morning just like any other day and did my morning buisness just like any other day until..

I remembered yesterday's events.

But surprisingly I was calm now. Nothing like yesterday.

Gotta do what you gotta do I guess.

I remain in my room not wanting to go to school today. I decided to face the reality and atleast speak to my bio family.

I layed down on my bed staring at the ceiling.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts and I raise my head to see Dad and Grace there.

"Good morning", I greet them with a smile.

"Good morning princess", Dad smiled softly entering.

"You didn't come down for breakfast? You'll be late for school", Grace asked curiously coming inside and sitting down on my chair next to my table.

"Not in the mood to go to school", I sighed.

Those two share a look and sigh.

"Why not? You like school", Dad frowned a bit.

"No I don't", I frowned.

Who likes school? It ain't Hogwarts.

"Okay let me rephrase that. You like school because you create chaos there for your poor teachers and friends", Dad said with an amused smile.

"Oh yeah. That's true", I nod.


Grace chuckled.

I still lay there staring at the ceiling not getting even the slightest encouragement to go.

"What happened?", Dad asked curiously.

"I just don't want to go", I repeated bored.

"Why Leah? Is something wrong? You never act like this", He said with a frown.

I guess he thought I won't try to talk or deal with yesterday's events so soon.

I groaned wondering if I really should see them or give it more time.

"Wait a minute..are you getting bullied? Oh god are you? Is someone troubling you honey? Oh you tell me their names right this second and I'll kick their asses!", Dad frowned seriously.


"No you won't dad", I sighed without hesitation.

"Why not?!", He asked with his hands on his hip looking stern.

Aww. He's protective.

"No offense, but you can't hurt a fly", I said hiding my smile.

"Well... I'll ask Grace to do it! Yes she will take care of those brats! Won't you Grace?", Dad said clearly doubting himself- the gentle peace loving man will be capable enough to kick asses.


I raise my head to look at Grace.

"Oh as much as I would love to kick some teenage asses I don't think I have to Dad", Grace said with a smile.

"What?! Grace your little sister is being bullied and you won't help her! I raised you well honey", Dad said in disappointment.

When the hell did I say I'm being bullied?


"Dad I would do anything for Leah. But I genuinely don't think she's getting bullied. I mean just look at her. Don't you know her? It's probably the other kids who need my help for escaping her. I wouldn't be surprised if she bullies others", Grace scoffs in disbelief.

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