(17) A new face

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Theodore's POV:

I was in the kitchen in my house. It's 5 in the morning.

I couldn't sleep all night. I've been anxious about my team in Italy all the time.

Were they successful?

They will call to give me an update anytime now. I've been waiting for that.

I sighed taking a sip of my coffee.

The entire house was so silent contrary of the ambience since we've returned.

Chase and Troy are asleep. They wanted to wait for an update on Em and Dean, but I managed to get them to sleep.

Dad came back from the base two hours back. I didn't have to convince him to sleep. He was very tired and went straight to bed.

He told me to sleep as well. I assured him I would, but I couldn't.

After a while I heard some footsteps walking towards the kitchen.

I look up curiously to see my little brother walking here in a very sleepy state.

"Troy?", I called him out.

His face scrunched a bit and he looked at me.

"Oh hey Theo", He yawned loudly.

He scratches his head and walked to me in a sleepy state. He sat down next to me putting his head on my shoulder.

"Why aren't you asleep?", I asked ruffling his hair.

"Chase kicked me in his sleep", He replied with his eyes closed.

I almost chuckled.

"He did?", I said in amusement.

"Yeah. Remind me not to fall asleep with him in the same room again?", He muttered.

"Okay", I smiled shaking my head.

I drink my coffee while he looked like he will fall asleep on the chair with his head on my shoulder.

I soon heard cute snores. I chuckled silently looking at my little brother with his mouth a little open.

I put a hand under his head and stood up from my chair. I carefully placed his head on the table.

I then put my empty mug in the dish washer.

I was planning on waking Troy up and asking him to sleep in his room. But then I decided against it.

I slowly picked him up and carefully carry him to the living room and place him softly on the couch.

Surprisingly he didn't wake up. He sighed as he got comfortable into the pillow under his head.

I went to the guest room downstairs and got a warm covers and put them on him and he immediately snuggled into them.

I then went to my office and decided to catch up with some work to keep my mind off the current ongoing mission.

I managed to finish a couple hours worthy work sooner than ever. I was glad.

I don't know how long I was working when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in", I said softly.

The door opened and a sleepy Chase walks in.

I smiled looking at him. His hair was all messed up and he walked to me groggily.

I glanced at the time and saw it was 7 already.

"Did you sleep?", Chase asked yawning.

"I did", I nodded.

"Liar", Chase scoffs rolling his eyes even in his sleepy state.

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