(62) More problems

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The air was tense. A knife could cut through the build up of the scene between them all. Talk about an end to an eventful day.

Well, most didn't realise but it wasn't the end yet.

Dean was the one to sober up first. He got real serious and mature at that second. He walked up to the couch and dropped his bag he carried back from work. Everyone's eyes followed his actions.

"Chase, Jamie, Brody, Troy and Leah. Come with me", Dean asked as softly as he could, but his face was serious.

The ones he called out looked at him with confusion. Wes, Charlie and Emmett wondering what he's doing.

"I'm taking you five out for dinner. Let's go come on. I'll even let Chase choose the place this time", Dean smiled gently.

Jamie snaps out clearing his throat fully understanding what Dean's doing. At the moment those two were older that the other four and they were about to take up some responsibilities.

"Damn that's a one in a life time treat I'm not going to miss. Besides I'm hungry too. I'm going!", James tried to sound as excited as possible, but inside he was still freaking out.

The remaining four looked uncertain and frankly their legs seem to be frozen or something to the floor.

"Come on I'll pay for the icecream we'll have for desert as well", Dean smiled looking at his watch. "And the offer only stands for ten more seconds."

Leah and Chase started walking first. Brody pulled a reluctant Troy with him after them. The four were first to leave the house without a word or a glance at their elder brothers when they passed them.

Jamie glanced at Dean who nodded back at him. He was then off after the kids without looking at anyone else.

"We'll be back in a couple hours", Dean spoke without emotion to inform his older brothers as a courtesy before leaving the house too.

Neither Weston, Charlie or Emmett had the guts to stop them. They were infact glad they were gone. No words would explain their siblings what just happened in front of their very own eyes.

For minutes the three stood alone in the empty house reeling the last few moments they all witnessed happen and took part in.

"I'll call Blaze and Kyle. They'll find Theo", Emmett finally broke the silence, pulling out his phone from his jean pocket.

"No need to disturb them. I'll find Theo myself", Weston denied.

Charlie exhales sharply. "We won't allow you to go Wes."

Weston's face contoured into irritation.

"You think Theo wants to see you now? He left because he needs space and no way he'll react well to your presence around him. Infact he won't like to see any of us at the moment", Charlie lectures his own brother, trying not to get angry.

"Let Blaze and Kyle do their job Wes. They're capable and experienced. I have no doubt they'll find Theo wherever the hell he is", Emmett spoke calmly.

"What makes you think even if they find him, they'll be able to convince Theo to come back home?", Weston questioned, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Did you not hear me say they're capable and experienced?", Emmett said softly.

"We'll even allow them to sedate Theo and bring him home if it comes to that, happy?", Charlie said. "Unconscious or conscious, Theo will be home and safe like you want."

Weston sighs deeply afraid he had no more arguments to make. Begrudgingly he walks up to the couch and takes a seat there staring at the front door.

Emmett and Charlie knew there was nothing else they can say to convince Weston to quit worrying. So they let the man be waiting for Theo while they both headed off to the kitchen to talk in private.

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