(12) Hostages

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Sebastian's POV: (Rowan's elder brother)


That's the word that explains my feelings right now.

God I'm so tired of everything. I'm tired of this place, this cell, the treatment, this mafia, the Italian Don, my sons and well..the food.

But right now I'm just plainly...tired.

The actual one. You know physically tired?

Yup that's the one.

Today was a difficult day. I got punched twice for not taking shit as expected to. Probably got a bruise on the face. But what was hurting more was my back.

No I'm not old.

My back has been cramping as I'm not able to get a good position to sleep in this cell of mine.

First of all even though I'm a prisoner would it hurt to just provide me with a pillow and blanket? Assholes.

I lean my head on the wall as I felt sleep come. I sat there crossing my arms over my chest and closed my eyes to let the sleep envelope me.

Now this is comfortable!

I found a position I like and got comfortable.

Just when I was in the sleep zone I heard a clang noise.

I opened my eyes and saw my cell door open and a figure walk in. The guy walked towards me and plopped down next to me.

The cell door was closed again and I went back to my sleep zone.

Ahh I'm so relaxed.

Coming back from one full day of forceful work tends to make you a bit tired...hence sleepy.

God knows I was almost asleep when the cell door clanged open again.

I frowned in irritation as I opened my eyes and saw another figure walk inside the cell. This one plopped down on my other side.

The cell door closed again and I decided to go back to sleep before sleep goes away.

It's a fact that when your body is tired it's easier to get sleep, but who cares about your sleep when you are a fucking hostage. Right?

Once again ladies and gentlemen the cell door banged open making me growl in irritation.

Once again a guy entered and this time plopped down in front of me and layed his head on my lap.

"What does a man have to do to get some freaking sleep over here?", I complained loudly.

"Shut up. You're a prisoner. No one cares about your sleep", The guard snaps at me as he leaves once the cell door is locked.

"I do! I'm still a human unlike you asshole!", I retort back.

I heard chuckling from the guy with his head on my lap.

"Shut up James", I frowned.

"You're cute when you're irritated. It's funny Dad", James chuckled.

I heard a deep sigh from my left.

"And I'm scary when I'm sleep deprived. Wanna test me?", I grunt.

"Nope, not really. Apologies old man", James raised his hand in surrender and amusement.

I flicked his head hard twice making him wince and whine.

"Ow!", James winced and immediately shifted from my lap to the one on my left.

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