(58) Apology

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(Not edited, will do it soon)

Leah's POV:

"Where's my father?", I questioned.

Luca smirked slightly. "He'll be here."

I knew it. We knew it. During the meeting we had discussed how none of us trusted Luca to stick to his word. We had a notion that he'll either not bring Dad along or hide him somewhere out of our knowledge.

One reason. He made it too easy for us. I mean yes, he wants an apology to break my ego and all, but he invited me to a place with full awareness that my family will be with me. He voluntarily put himself in a risky position. Who does that?

We were prepared for him to try something and that's why we have our people stationed in this surrounding along with the rest of my brothers. We were counting on Luca to try something.

"You think I'll do what you want knowing my father isn't here?", I blinked.

Luca snorts. "I have the upper hand here Leah. You do what you have to. I don't think you have a choice."

"Oh I do. I just won't apologise", I merely shrug.

Luca smiled softly like he knew I would react this way. I was waiting for him to give me a hint of where Dad is and then all I need to do is stall for time. If that doesn't happen we do something else.

"Alright", He exhales. "Let me take you to see your father, then you can apologise."

I narrowed down my eyes at him and glanced at Weston and Charlie on my either side. Could be a trap.

"Oh they won't be joining you", Luca commented glancing at my sides.

"Excuse me?", Charlie said sharply.

"There's no need for you two to accompany her. I know my people won't. I'm just going to take her to see her father and bring her back", Luca explained.

"That won't happen. Neither of you two are leaving. Bring David here", Weston said seriously.

Luca's face hardened and got irritative. "I make the call here Mr. Don. I decide what happens. Your job is to listen to me."

He's not good with responding to authority and he's proved it time and over. Sometimes I wonder if he has a death wish. What drives him to do such stuff? Provoking Dons is a call for suicide.

"Look Armani we don't need that attitude. You either bring David here or we leave. We're giving you a choice for your own good", Charlie spoke.

Luca scoffs. "Sure you'll leave."

"I can leave now. You on the other hand will never be able to leave LA. I assure you that", Weston threatened openly.

I guess he was done with the disrespect from that imbecile's side and wasn't going to hesitate to put him in his place.

"Is that a threat?", Luca asked furiously.

"Yes", Weston responded without hesitation.

Luca's jaw clenches. "You really want to risk a mafia war?"

"You started idiot. What are you doing right now? Bloody hypocrite", I grit angrily.

"Watch that tongue", Luca snarled. "You're adding up things on your list to apologise for."

"And you're testing my patience. Wanna add more to it and watch me lose it? It might end up with you in a hospital", I threatened.

My brothers didn't stop me from provoking him even though it's probably not a good idea. We wanted him to get angry and make a mistake. Luca has a fragile ego and it's easy to rile him up, especially when I am the one doing it. We have understood that so far.

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