(54) Apologise

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Leah's POV:

"Leah go!"

"No! Levi is in there!"

"I said leave! It's an order!"

"Screw your order Sam!"

I sighed before splashing water on my face trying to wipe out not just my face but also the night's events.

But when is it really that easy.

That scene when Sam ordered me to leave awhile the mission just kept playing in my mind non-stop like a broken record. I wasn't able to think of anything else. I realised I may have screwed up once again without realising it. Maybe I realised it..but only when it was too late.

Apparently I wasn't the only one. Wes and Theo haven't said a word to me since we left the base and drove back home late at night. Infact hardly anyone talked to me after Sam's fiasco.

Owen just left as if he remembered some important business to attend to rather than talk to me. Landon wasn't there tonight but I'm sure he's already been informed of what went down there. The fact that he hasn't called me after my mission is enough for me to decipher his thoughts on it. He always calls or comes to see me in person after my missions.

I walk out of the bathroom and grabbed a towel from the closet and wiped my face.

When my brothers and I came back home we were greeted by the rest of my brothers who themselves had been to different missions like me to the places from the list Sam talked about. They wished to know all details of what went down there since they already knew Luca was there. Our elder brothers took it upon themselves to explain them and I excused myself to come up to my room.

I know everyone's going to be angry. We specifically get instructions to follow instructions. My brothers may be rule breakers themselves but when it comes to dangerous missions they tend to not overrule their leader. Atleast so far they haven't got into trouble for insubordination no matter how they enjoy breaking rules.

It's me. I'm the only one here who's done so not once, not twice, but more than that. I really am reckless.

Knowing I can't hide anymore in my room with the intention to avoid my family I decided to go down. Dinner was due and I'm hungry as well. So I brace myself, took a deep breath and went to the kitchen.

Everyone was there and they all look at me when I walk in, but something was not as I expected.

"Leah! Come on in!", Jamie welcomed.

"We were waiting for you only", Dean smiled.

"You must be starving princess. I'll serve you", Dad said fondly.

I almost froze there. This is so not what I thought I was going to be greeted with.

Papa and Uncle Rowan were chatting and laughing looking at Brody trying to get the pasta sauce off his chin, but ending up getting it all over his face. Most of my brothers were self serving their plates obviously hungry.

"Leah? You okay?", Grace asked curiously staring at me.

Everyone stops what they were doing to look at me.

"Huh?", I said.

"Are you okay? You look..pale", Grace noted.

I blink my eyes, my hand going up to my face and my fingers randomly rubbing my nose or my forehead consciously.

"Your feeling okay honey?", Papa asked in concern.

"Got a headache or something? I reckon you haven't had anything to eat after lunch?", Uncle Rowan asked.

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