(20) Finally!

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Leah's POV:

I was statue.

I didn't move or say anything. I couldn't. I mean what would I say?

If he's flipping off for my lie about not working in a cafe then imagine what will he do about a mafia?

I can't tell him that. But I don't want to lie. Last lie I said hasn't really been a fun sport to do.

"Well?", Dad asked crossing his arms.

I stayed quiet. I looked down not knowing what to do.

I can't lie. I can't be honest

"Leah please say something. Where do you work?", Grace asked softly.

I looked at and silently pleaded her to save me this time like all other times. But she just stared at me.

"Wow. Even after all this you're still going to hide things? Unbelievable", Dad waved his hand in the air to show his frustration.

"Dad I help Lan and Owen in their job and I get paid for that", I said immediately.

Dad stared at me with no expression.

I mean I didn't lie or say the entire truth I guess.

"I don't believe you", Dad shrugged.

That hurt.

"Dad", Grace whispered sadly.

"No I'm serious I don't. Why would she have to lie to me if she was working with her friends? I don't trust anything you'll say to me now Leah", Dad shakes his head with a sad smile.

Another tear left my eye. Grace's eyes closed sadly.

"I never thought I'll say this. But here we go. I need proof Leah. Get me some proof if you want me to believe you", Dad said sternly.

I sighed wiping my tears away. I look down.

"God nowadays I need proof for everything. I thought we couldn't trust strangers and outsiders. But here we go", Dad scoffs.

He never and mean never behaves like this.

Without another word he leaves. I stare at him longingly.

I wish I had hugged him the moment I entered the house like every day.

I look at Grace and she stared at me for a while then walked away to her room without another word.

She won't say, but I know she's also upset with me.

What do I do now?

Rowan's POV:

"Tomorrow 9 in the morning", I said seriously.

"Done", Massimo replied.

I looked at Theodore and Owen and they smirked back.

We were in my office and I was on the phone with Massimo Armani. The call was on speaker for Theo and Owen.

We had finalised a place and time for the trade. I called him to inform about this.

"No weapons, no drama nothing Massimo. It's going to a simple trade that's it. I take my family, you take your daughter", I spoke coldly.

We were trying to be as civil as we could as lives were on stake.

"You should remember that Rowan. I'm arriving in your territory if you try anything it's won't end well", Massimo said seriously.

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