(25) Revelations- part (2)

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David's POV:


Sebastian stared at me like I was some ghost.

Everyone had gone still and quiet. I hardly could hear anything. Heck I think nobody was breathing.

I could hear my heart though, if that counts.

The atmosphere had become very tense and I was more nervous than ever.

"What did you just say?", Rowan muttered.

I was freaking out by the way these guys were looking at me and I did what I thought fit.

I bolted.

"Uh that I'm going home because I have plans with my daughters", I chuckled weakly and started walking out quickly.

A hand grasped my left wrist tightly stopping me in my tracks. I turn to see it was Sebastian.

"David please. What did you mean by what you just said?", Sebastian asked with a serious face.

I gulped nervously. His boys took a step forward staring at me.

"I think I was pretty clear. Your baby was born alive. Susan lied", I repeated.

He let go of my hand so quick as if I burnt him.

Rowan's eyes went wide. The boys, all of them were frozen.

"No..y-you , I-It can't be. W-What?", Sebastian gasped a bit.

He was so shaken up that I felt guilty. He takes a step back and Rowan was right behind him supporting him.

I looked down sadly.

"David what are you-? Can you just- ", Rowan cut himself off not able to form words.

"Guys I'm sorry. Please sit down first. Troy some water please for them?", I said hopefully.

Troy snapped out and nodded and rushed to the kitchen. The rest just kept staring at me in shock.

I gently push back Sebastian and Rowan making them sit down on the couch. They didn't protest or anything. Too shaken up for that.

Troy returns with a bottle of water and offers it to Sebastian who didn't even acknowledge it. He seemed in his own world with a frown on his face.

Rowan took it from him and gave it to Seb.

"Seb", He said softly.

Sebastian pushed it away and turned to face me.

"I need more than that. What the fuck is going on?", Sebastian asked getting irritated now.

I sighed rubbing my face with my hands.

"A few days ago Susan showed up at my place. At first it was all a reunion kinda thing. But as we kept going she asked- she told me about her kids after she saw mine", I stopped myself from revealing Leah.

Not yet.

"She was a bit emotional and just told me about the fifth kid who was born and how she kept it from you. I don't know why", I blurted out.

I felt bad for not telling the truth, but I wanted to know how this rolls out before dragging my daughter into this.

They all stared at me reeling in shock.

"No fucking way. The baby didn't m-make it! The doctor said so! There were a lot of complications! I remember it!", Sebastian almost yells.

I didn't reply just looked at him with sympathy.

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