(48) Another attack

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The American Dons and their men had raided the gang's hideout from all directions. There was no way for the attackers to escape.

And yet even after all the full proof planning they acquired nothing. The whole building was empty of anyone. Just the air echoing the emptiness.

"Anyone?", Weston asked.

Owen jogged back towards them shaking his head in disdain. "Not a soul."

"Dammit!", Theodore kicks the tiny dusty rocks on the ground in frustration.

Every mafia member comes back from their search of the whole building to check if by chance anyone's hiding somehow. They all come back empty handed.

As soon as the American mafia members and their Dons invaded the place they had an idea that something was not right. The whole area seemed too quiet for a gang's residence.

Their doubts became true when they indeed found the whole building empty.

"Maybe we got the wrong address?", One of the men asked.

Owen shakes his head. "No chance. The attackers confessed it themselves."

"What if they tried to mislead us?", Another one asked.

"Can't be. I threatened to kill them if by any chance they lied to us about this. They're in our cells right now why would they risk it?", Owen answers.

Silence lingered among them all as they wait for orders. Owen glanced at
his Dons to see them extremely frustrated and angry.

Wes and Theo look at each other sharing their feelings about this. They had every much hoped to once and for all end the threat that lingers on their sister.

"Sir?", Owen asked softly.

Theo looked at him. "We have the right address. The gang was here. Look around, you can tell they based their operations here", he said gesturing around him.

Everyone looks around and knew he was right. There were some empty food containers, clothes, wood and bags lying around in an untidy manner.

"Weapons they should be using are gone. Apparently they had only time to escape with that", Weston said tucking his gun on his waist.

Owen turns to look at him. "You think they knew beforehand we were coming?"

Weston shrugged. "Could have been tipped off. I won't be surprised if they had anyone keeping an eye on our base."

"Wes it looks like these people may have left in hurry. There are still some bags and clothes here most likely belonging to the members of the gang. I think they just came to know about this minutes ago", Theo said possibly.

It was quite possible that the gang had constant surveillance around this place. A small whiff of American mafia's men around the area would have given them enough reason to up and leave while they still had the chance.

"I highly doubt it, but for safe keep have someone keep an eye on this place incase they return", Weston orders Owen.

Owen nods and walks to his members and starts talking.

Theo walks closer to Wes and puts a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find them."

"When? The longer they're out the higher is the risk on Leah, David and Grace. Heck our sister will still manage on her own, but other two?", Weston sighs shaking his head.

"I know, but they can't have gone too far. It's not easy for a gang to leave its base and settle somewhere else. We'll find them", Theo assured.

Weston nods with a deep sigh, tapping Theo's arm on his shoulder.

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