(59) Decisions

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Leah's POV:

As we were returning home my mind was swirling with nervous thoughts. All of them had to do with the conversation I had with my elder sister earlier when I went to see her in between the meeting.

I was not confident about seeing her again even though all was right now. She has finally expressed her frustration and opinions on not just the events of the past couple weeks of her life, but also the mafia workings in general.

Can I even blame her?

Anyway whilst I was reeling these thoughts in my mind we reached the base.

"How are they?", I demanded urgently the second I see the doctor in the hospital ward.

It took a second for the doc to understand who I was referring to as I caught him off guard. "The former Don is recovering just fine. He's on the meds but I think he'll be awake by now", He replied.

His reply came as a relief to not just me but everyone else. They all visibly relaxed.

"David?", Uncle Rowan asked next in concern.

The doctor smiled. "He's absolutely healthy. Blood pressure was a bit high when he was brought here for which I have treated him already. Otherwise he's fine."

"Are you certain? He had a couple injuries when we saved him", Chase frowned.

"Yes, he had a few bruises but none are serious. I can assure you they'll heal in a few days", Doctor replied.

"Not serious as in.. normal people definition of serious or mafia definition of serious? Both are very different and David is the poster boy for normal people", Dean raised an eyebrow.

Oh yes! I stare intensely into the doctor's eyes for any signs of contradiction though I know he won't lie to us.

Doctor chuckled. "Sir he's normal people fine. I'd tell you otherwise."

I sigh heavily feeling a weight lift off my chest.

"I'm gonna go see Dad first. Can you let Papa know I'll be there to check on him next?", I look at Uncle Rowan.

Before he could answer the doctor interrupted us. "Actually they both are resting in the same room. Former Don's orders. Couldn't..say no", He said with a slight shiver.

My brothers chuckled in amusement but I didn't wait for anything else as I rush towards the room after asking the doc for directions.

I enter the big hospital room that easily fits two beds and spares some more room for visitors to find both my fathers, Landon, Harry and Grace there.

Dad seemed to be sleeping and Papa was awake but staring off into space seeming to be in a trance, Harry by his side looking at him with concern. Grace was as expected seated by our father's bed. Landon was standing in the corner of the room in his own company.

My best friend was the first to spot me. "Leah! Oh finally!", Landon said in relief rushing to me.

I pat his back as he pulled me into a hug. Everyone except Dad's eyes found me. Harry stood up walking to me with a small smile.

"You okay kiddo?", Harry asked.

I nod with a slight smile. Landon stared at me deeply with a frown.

"I'm fine Lan. Really", I sigh.

He sighs in relief pulling me into another hug. I met my Papa's eyes over his shoulder and they stare at me with an emotional smile. I walk towards him and quickly hug him.

I was genuinely worried about his head injury. He must in pain. It wasn't a great feeling to walk out for a mission while my father is here.

"Are you alright?", He whispered stroking my hair.

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