(10) Home

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Leah's POV:

Ahh I'm finally home!

I may be home, but I don't think I would advise myself to just walk inside through the front door.

My hand is bandaged and I'm not going to be able to hide it.

I walk up to my front door and contemplate my options.

I knew my father and sister were home as their cars are parked here, but what are the chances they'll see me walk through this main door and go up to my room..?

What's wrong with me?

I sigh as I try to think of something else.

I look around the house and my attention goes to the windows above.

Yup this might work.

But even I know it's not going to be easy to just climb up the walls and reach the window with one hand refusing to support.

But then again what else can I do?

"Screw this", I frown as I walk to the back of the house.

It's not like it's my first time climbing up from here. I've sneaked out a couple of times to attend parties with my friends.

I groan seeing the height I'll have to climb. My hand's gonna kill me.

Why the fuck did I chose the second story room for myself?!

I decide to land my bag inside the room through the window first so that I don't have to climb with it on my shoulder.

I pick up my bag and spin it in the air with full force to gain momentum and launched it towards the window so it can go inside the room.

But to my dismay the bag hit the window and came back down and landed right on my face.

I didn't realise my window was closed... Ugh

I knew I haven't locked it so I think I should be fine. I flung my bag on my shoulder and get ready.

I have to learn how to wingardium leviosa sooner or later.

I start climbing the walls. I adjust my legs and my uninjured hand in a way that not much pressure comes to my right hand where I'm hurt.

There are certain areas and corners where I can put my leg into and pull myself up. I've spotted and memorised them a while ago.

Comes in handy during urgent times.

Though as much as I tried, it wasn't much of a success as I'm a right handed and even though I was prepared for it, my hand was aching a lot since it's still a fresh wound.

I ignore the pain as I continued my climb with as much pace as I could.

I somehow successfully reach my window without once falling down. I first push my window open then flung one leg on the windowsill and pushed myself up and managed to sit there.


"Huh. Now that was an easy peasy lemon squeezy thing", I muttered.
sarcastically to myself.

I take a moment to catch my breath and look around the house. That's when my eyes met our oh so lovely neighbour Mrs Altman.

It seemed like she was in her garden watering her plants when she caught sight of me climbing up my own house like a thief. She was gawking at me.

"Oh hey Mrs Altman. How you doing?", I wave and smile normally like I didn't just get caught sneaking inside my own house.

She just kept gawking.

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