(23) Meeting her

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Landon's POV:

I just drove randomly.

I couldn't think straight. I didn't know what to think. I mean what the hell just happened?

Boss words just kept going on in my head and I didn't realise that I was unconsciously driving to my special place.

It was a lake Leah and I found randomly one day. We didn't know one was here and when we came to it we realised it was so beautiful.

It was a quiet and peaceful place. Not a hidden place or something. Many people go there, but it's never that crowded.

I drive towards there quickly.

Once I reach there I get out and walk towards the lake. Luckily no one was here. I sat down near the shore and sighed heavily.

I wipe all the tears that had poured out all this while.

This was crazy. I have brothers!

I realised how they all lied to me. Heck even Boss did!

So much hidden from me all this while. It's so fucking overwhelming.

I didn't know how long I was there, but soon I hear the familiar sound of the engine running of my best friend's bike.

It wasn't long before she came and silently sat down next to me. I don't look up at her and kept staring at the lake.

"I was so freaked out when I saw you run like that crying uncontrollably. Everyone was worried", Leah said softly.

I don't reply. After a while she said it herself.

"Boss told me what happened. I didn't waste a second before I was on my bike just driving out looking for you", She sighed.

I smile a bit. Of course. Leah's like that.

"God I don't know what's going on in your mind. Lan speak to me", She said in worry.

"I don't know what to say. I'm in shock myself", I whispered.

She sighed putting her hand over mine.

We stay like this for a while before I spoke myself.

"They all lied Leah. All of them. Boss knew all this from a long time. All these years I thought I had no one to call a family. And now after years I come to know that I infact have two brothers", I scoff.

Her hand tightened on mine.

"All this while I was craving for a family like an idiot when I already had one. God how stupid is that?", I chuckled emotionlessly.

"Lan", She whispered sadly.

"I used to see you, David, Grace together. Owen and Harry meeting for the first time after years. Boss reunite with his kids and all that made me feel so lonely. Like there was something so big missing in my life", I said emotionally.

"But I learnt to deal with it. I was coming in terms with the fact that it's okay. But now...this..", My voice breaks.

Leah caressed my palm trying to calm me.

"My brothers left me with Rowan and just went to do their job in the Italian mafia. Can you believe that?", I exhale slowly.

"Lan they wanted to keep you safe", She whispered softly

"I know. I understand that. But why did they hide that from me? Why did they let me feel like I'm alone in this world and have no one? God Leah you have no idea how badly I wanted a family. I had siblings godammit!", I said in frustration.

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