(64) Sneaking

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Leah's POV:

My mood was not so good this morning. It had nothing to do with Theo or Wes, who I could see were trying their best to receive forgiveness from my brothers. While the names on Wes's list were almost crossed Theo was lagging behind.

By now I could figure out our brothers had forgiven Theo but I'm guessing they're giving him a hard time because they're in the mood to not let go of the once chance they've fortunately got of standing on the other side of the apology conversation that usually goes around here.

I, on the other hand had no issues with either of my elder brothers. Just like others I was playing a stubborn youngest sibling role and was getting a little more attention maybe because I'm the only sister.


But right now during breakfast I could hardly focus on anything. My mind was racing with the challenge me and my football team have to face today at school. It was now or never.

I sigh heavily as I play with my food.

"Leah hurry up", Troy calls out, rushing up to wash his hands once he was done with his food.

I look at him and then back at my plate.

"You too Brody! Stop falling asleep on the table! Jeez! Everyday we go through this same conversation!", Troy scolded loudly, alarming a really sleepy Brody to jerk up awake.

"I'm tired", Brody whines.

"I don't care", Troy retorted.

Everyone on the table watches their banter in amusement.

"You're so mean nowadays", Brody groans rubbing his face roughly with his hands to get rid of the sleep.

"No! My biology teacher is mean! I'm going to get late for my first period if you don't hurry up! Two times she's already warned me man! I'm facing detention this time!", Troy frowned rushing out of the kitchen grabbing his shoes.

"Not my problem", Brody grumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?", Troy demanded with a deep frown.

"Nothing", Brody rolled his eyes.

Everyone chuckled.

"It's like Troy is suddenly older than Brody", Chase giggled.

Any other day I would jump at the chance of annoying Brody but today I was really not in the mood. The stress of what would happen today was messing with me and I had lost my appetite. I slowly pushed my half filled plate to the side and stood up.

"You didn't finish your food honey", Papa pointed out, sitting opposite to me.

"I'm full", I sighed weakly walking to the kitchen to wash my hands.

"Leah I meant for you to hurry and not get up half way through your breakfast. I can wait until you finish", Troy looked at me softly.

"No it's okay. I'm done", I shrug.

"Atleast have some juice?", Theo offered sweetly.

I shook my head no walking around the table to grab my bag lying on the floor next to my chair.

"Oh come on Leah. I know you're upset with me but don't take it out on the food. You love food", Theo frowned sadly.

"Damn she really must be mad at him", James whispered to Dean.

I look at Theo and realised he's feeling bad. This wasn't because of him and he didn't know that. I was also done with being fake angry at him having no mood or energy, so I walked towards him and put my arms around his neck hugging him from behind as he was seated on his chair.

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