Chapter 20

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"NO! He's not gone. He can't be! No no no no no no." I repeated. I waited for the news from the doctors. About twenty minutes later, the doctors came and told me the news.
"We have good news, Mr. Schmidt. He could be saved, but he's in critical condition. We will have to keep him for a few weeks." They said. I hugged the doctor.
"THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING HIM!!" I yelled. I ran into the room to see Jere.
"M-Miike?" He said.
"JEREMY! I'm sorry I couldn't help you." I said in tears.
"It's n-not your fault, Mike. It's me." He said.
"Jeremy, don't ever do this again. Promise me." I said.
"I p-promise Mikey. I love y-you so much." He said.
"I love you too." I said. He smiled. Through all that's happening, he still smiled his smile. I leaned over the bed and kissed him.
"Mike...I love much...forgive me for this..." He said.
"Of course Jeremy, I love you so so much" we said over and over until visiting time was over.
"Goodnight Jere. I love you" I said as I was leaving.
"Goodnight. love you too" he replied. I gave him a kiss and was on my way.
I went to bed and it took me forever to sleep.
When I woke up, I had a call from the hospital. Jeremy...he didn't have long to live. I rushed to the hospital and saw him there. I held him and told him how much I love him...he died in my arms. I don't know how long I stayed there sobbing, clutching his lifeless body in my arms, ruffling his hair, kissing him. I eventually had to leave. I couldn't take it. I drove to the edge of a cliff with a raging river at the bottom. I floored it and rammed into the water. Everything went black.
Then I woke up.

Why yes, I am satan

Love you-Jeremike fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن