Chapter 18

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I woke up alone in bed.
"Mike?" I yelled. I went into the living room and saw him in there. He had a medium sized box that was moving.
"Hey're up early." He said when he saw me.
"W-what's in the box?" I asked.
"I was going to have you open it later, but you woke up now. Here it is." He handed me the box. I opened it and there was a white, fluffy kitten!
"Thank you Mike!" I yelled as I held the small cat.
"No problem." He said. "What are you gonna name her?"
"I don't know...maybe...uhm...Snowflake?"
"Hey snowflake." He said with a smile.
"W-why did you get me a cat?" I asked.
"I-I don't know." He said, then kissed me.
That's when I woke up, Mike's arm around me.

"Mike" I softly heard. I woke up to Jeremy gently shaking me.
"What" I said sleepily.
"I want a kitten" he said. What the fuck?
"Ok I'll get you a kitten, but you have to do something to me first." I said with a pervy smile.
"Okay, okay I get it." He said. I started kissing him, a lot. He sat up and I got on his lap. I pulled his boxers off, along with mine without breaking the kiss. He touched me and I did the same to him. I rolled him over and...yeah (Its so hard to write this. See what I did there XD ) when we were finished we cuddled for awhile.

"You know what you have to do now."
"W-what?" He asked.
"You have to get me a kitten. I want a white one." I said.
"You already got a white one" he joked.
"Oh my god, Mike" I said blushing.
"Fine. I'll get you a cat" he said with a smile.
"YAY!" I yelled, then kissed him.

Warning: the end is near!

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