Chapter 6

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"Listen asshole, I just want this one. Please!"
"I already said no. We don't serve your kind here!"
"Let me buy the damn ring for him. So what if I'm gay? I deserve love too!" Then, feeling as if I was going to cry I just said "you know what, fuck it, I'll go somewhere else."
I got into my car.
"FUCK!" I yelled. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!" I love Jeremy and was going to propose to him, but that damn store won't let me buy the ring. "Calm down Mike. We'll get a ring for Jere and we can live happily ever after, right?" I drove to the next store and found the perfect one.
"May I help you, sir?" A man with a French accent said.
"Y-yes. I need a engagement ring please." I said.
"Sure, we have a lovely ring here-"
"Actually, how about that one." I said.
"Amazing choice sir. That'll be $1,500."
"O-ok." That's a hell of a lot. I paid the money and went home.

Mike burst through the door all happy.
"Hey Jere, want to go somewhere?"
"W-where?" I asked.
"It's a surprise!" He said. "Here, put this on!" He said and handed me a blindfold.

I pulled in at the zoo. Jeremy has always loved animals.
"Here we are!" I said as I removed the blindfold.
"W-wow Mike! I love it here!! My mom used to bring me here!" He hugged me really tightly.
"Let's go then JereBear."
"Okay, Mikeypoo!" He said
"Don't ever call me Mikeypoo again, it sounds gay." I said.
"But Mike, I am gay. You're gay. We're gay..."
"Yeah I know! I was joking" I said, then laughed.

We arrived at my favorite attraction! The foxes! I was admiring them when Mike said my name. I turned around and he grabbed my hands.
"Jeremy, I love you. I love you more than words can tell. I need you more than Night needs Day. I love you more than purple people love toast. I loved you since we met, and I need to know, will you make me the happiest person ever and marry me?" He said. I was in complete shock.
"YES! YES I WILL MIKE!!" I yelled. He slid the ring on my finger and hugged me.
"HA GAAAAAY" someone yelled. Mike flipped them off and kissed me. I have never been happier in my life!
"I love you."
"I love you, too."

Also a warning, your feels will die because I'm an evil genius and know how to kill feels

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