Chapter 19

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We went to the pet store the next day.
"Let's go get a kitten, Jere." Mike said.
"Okay" I said with a smile. I walked inside and found the cats. I was looking at them and petting them. A few minutes later, I found the perfect one. She was all white with shimmering blue eyes. I picked her up and held her. We bought some food, a bed, and a litter box for her and drove home. She was very tame and fluffy. I sat up a bed for her in our room.
"So, what'cha gonna name her?" Mike asked.
"Snowflake!" I happily said.
"Nice name." Mike said with a smile.

I can't believe we got a cat. I don't like cats but I'll put up with it for Jeremy, to make him happy and see that smile. I held the cat and it tried to snuggle me. I could bearly stand it, but I somehow did.
"Do you like her?" Jeremy asked with that fucking smile.
"Y-yeah I love her" I lied. I sat her down and went to watch TV.
"Miike! She'll get lost!" Jeremy whined.
"She needs to get used to the place somehow." I said back, and lied on the couch.
"O-ok" Jere said, and "can I sit with you?" He asked.
"You can sit on me" I jokingly said. But he sat on my stomach anyways. I was surprised by this and started laughing.
"This couch is uncomfortable" Jeremy joked, and resituated himself. He moved around until he was lying down with me. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss on the neck.

I woke up on the floor, with Mike on top of me.
'My god what happened last night?' I thought, but then remembered. I heard a small "meow" and saw Snowflake sleeping soundly on the couch. My leg was asleep, and I couldn't get up. I dealt with it until Mike awoke. When he did, he asked what we were doing on the floor.
"We fell asleep on the couch, remember? We must've fallen off during the night."
"Oh yeah." He said, then kissed me. He ruffled his hand through my hair and got up. I tried to get up, but fell because I couldn't feel my leg. I started laughing while Mike panicked.
"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!" He yelled.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." I said between laughs. "My leg fell asleep."
"Oh, okay I'll help you up." He said and carried me bridal-style to the kitchen, where he sat me on the counter.
"You stay here, I'll make breakfast." He said. He made us bacon and eggs.
"Here's your breakfast, BAE!" He said and laughed.
"W-why are you laughing" I asked
"B-A-E. Bacon and eggs!" He was almost falling over now. I just sighed and ate. When we were finished, he hugged me. I realized I was still sitting on the counter. He lifted me and carried me to the living room.

"Why are you still carrying me? My leg's not asleep anymore." He said.
"I like carrying you like this." I said.
"O-oh." He said, and hugged me. I sat on the couch, still holding him. I kissed him, and he kissed back. It became more intense with each kiss. I lied him down on the couch and pinned him down. We kissed more and more. Just then, his asshole dad came through the door. I looked at him, embarrassed.
"Get away from my son" he said. "I don't like you and I never will. He's part of my family and in taking him back."
"You can't" I said. "He's mine. He left for a reason." I stood up now. "Why are you even here?"
"I already said. I don't give a flying fuck what you say, or what you do. I will NOT have a gay son!" He shouted.
"Too late dad." Jeremy said.
"You just haven't found the right woman yet!" He shouted.
"Hey, let me ask you something. Are you sexually attracted to llamas?" I asked Jere's dad.
"What the hell, no!" He replied.
"It's because you haven't found the right llama yet!" I said. He hit me in the face. I stumbled and fell.

"DAD! Why?" I yelled."you don't ever touch him! Hit me instead."
"NO! Jeremy!" Mike yelled. He pushed dad out of the door and he fell. He was very angry and stormed off. I got up and hugged Mike.
"I'm sorry! So so sorry!" I yelled. His nose was bleeding and it got on my shirt. But I didn't mind.
"It's not your fault JereBear." He said softly. "I'll be fine. Now stop crying sweetheart." He said.
"I-I can't!" I said and burst into tears. I went to find Snowflake, but apparently she escaped with my dad. I was crying even harder now.
"I'm going to the bathroom." I said, and locked the door.

"NO JEREMY! Please don't!" I yelled, but it was too late. I pounded on the door, but it wouldn't open. I heard sobbing inside. After a few minutes I heard a THUD. I broke the door down to see Jeremy lying on the floor, with scars all over his arms. I called 911 and hugged him.

Oh my feels. I'm sorry but, I can't decide wether Jeremy should live or die. In considering killing him off *evil smes*

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