𝟐𝟐. 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐍

Beginne am Anfang

''I didn't know about that, I swear. I don't blame you for anything, Harry...'' her voice cracked.

Ron huffed. ''Not that you would have anything to blame him for! We specifically told you to stay away from them all, and you didn't listen. We have told you everything they have done to us for the past six years. And you just didn't care!''

''I know, I really am sorry. But I can't help it. I have feelings for him...'' Athena admitted. It was the first time admitting it out loud.

Hermione shook her head in disappointment. ''I can't believe you even said that...''

''Hermione, stop,'' Harry said to her. ''Leave her alone. We all have made our mistakes. We can now move on.''

''I am sorry, but I can't. I don't want anything to do with her anymore!'' Hermione spat, and got off her seat. Pressing her palms on the table, she looked intensely at Athena. ''You better find another room to move in. I don't want you in there with me.''

Those were her last words before leaving, and Ron followed her, not bothering to say another word to Athena, who was now in tears.

Harry looked at her. ''Athena? Say something, please...'' his voice was a whisper now.

''I didn't mean for things to turn out this way... But I can't ignore my feelings for him. But I also don't want to lose you, guys. Please, let's try and make this work.''

Harry shook his head, a sad expression on his face. ''I am really sorry for doing this to you Athena, but I am afraid that you have to choose. It's either us, or Malfoy. You can't have everything.''

Athena was at loss for words. She was torn and she felt like her heart was torn as well. But she couldn't stay away from Draco, and she knew it.

''I am sorry, Harry. But I won't choose. If you don't want me to be around you anymore, I promise you I won't. I have to go,'' she whispered and ran out of the Great Hall.

''Athena!'' she heard someone shouting her name, just some seconds later.

She turned around, and through her blurry vision, she could still see the blond Slytherin coming her way.

He pulled her into his tight embrace, and she hugged him back, sobbing against his chest. He caressed her hair, but he didn't say a word. He wanted to let her cry everything out, before asking her any questions.

Athena felt a little strange that Draco was suddenly so soft with her. But she loved it. God, she loved it so much.

She inhaled his masculine scent, mixed with his cologne. ''Just like heaven,'' she thought.

''Are you feeling any better?'' he murmured against her hair, before kissing her there.

For the first time, Draco felt sympathy for a person that wasn't him. When he saw her crying because of Potter and his blood traitor friends, he wanted nothing but to comfort her.

She nodded, but didn't raise her eyes to look at him. Because she believed that if she opened them, he would magically disappear.

Like when you have such a beautiful dream, and you cry when you wake up from it, because it wasn't actually real. That's exactly how she was feeling about them.

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