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Subtle whispers and dark chambers carefully caressed my senses. Such solace trapped me in a thought so deep that my mind could not track the accurate flash of time during the day. It was clear that the call captivated my very force to unravel and untangle chances.

Far beyond, I walk to the open space of the palace that enabled me to witness the light of the moon. I talked to her. "Is this it?" I say with my head lifted to meet her amplifying ray to lighten the darkness that the night unknowingly shaded.

Certain enough, my mouth escapes a cough. It was undeniable that this was not the future I have in mind. Never sparing a single resemblance than a similar edge would form from a so-called 'thought'. My eyes traveled the field where constructions of renewing atmosphere spread out through a glimpse.

"Your Highness, the Royal Physician's here." says the doorman.

I turn around to receive his message. "Let him in," I say.

My feet drag me to a cushioned couch, cleanly dressed to almost perfection. As a duchess herself, I wouldn't deny the necessity to formally look decent in the eyes of my people but that does not eliminate the fact that I am in pure sovereignty with myself.

Leather than laces, dark than bright. I sat down on the couch while the physician carefully palpates my pulse. I cough in relevance to the conclusion he has made. His brows furrowed in the specification as his palpation deepens, thoroughly navigating through my skin.

He sighs in desperation. "I'm troubled to say this, Your Highness," he says.

"Let your troubles be gone and tell me your judgment," I say with flat lines, offering to concave.

He nods. Trying to find my eyes as he lays unto it with his. "I'm afraid your condition is getting worse, Your Highness. Your pulse is getting weaker and weaker by day and I don't see any sign of improvement," he says.

I let out a sigh. Hearing a friend's opinion circling in the corners of my head. 'Dying's not an option, Hiraya.'

My throat turns dry when my mind grasps the possibility of dying because of this unknown illness. My body has perhaps begun to betray me. It has been years. First, there were only nosebleeds and a nauseating feeling that kept on swaying away from my appetite.

Such cases, I have witnessed with my own eyes but this afterthought that came to turn out as a realization of reality was never anticipated as I walk the grounds of the world. It seemed impossible to me as I know my abilities have enabled me to heal rapidly but I guess it only points out to the outside.

As the Royal Physician steps out of the room, I immediately closed my windows and pulled the curtains down. Darkness has been my friend after years of ruling with solitude. I admit I'm missing the feeling of having someone in my company.

Days passed and Macedonia has been better as we rise and stand on our own land. The people have never been hungry ever since the fair system of justice polished its own foundation. As both Commander in Chief and the Queen of Greece's Rulers, I need to stay as sharp as I can despite the unruly state that my body is becoming.

HIRAYA: The Call for Blood (Untold Stories 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora