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"Put the gun down."

I tried to talk him out of it but he somehow had a sudden change of heart. I wasn't given the chance to look at him or even have a glimpse of how he looked since he was already about to blow my brains off.

"Not a chance. Tell me who you are. On what grounds did you come from?" he asked and pushed the gun further, pinning it closer to my skin.

I started to raise my hands high. "Is this necessary?"

"What is?" he asked, seemed to have trouble catching up.

I smirked. "This."

With his guard down, I grabbed the gun from his hand as it slips away that easily. Now, I gave myself a second to chuckle softly. Tables turned. "Woah." it made him raise his hands upon the sky as he felt the warmth of the gun at the peak of his head.

"Now, tell me. Is this necessary?" I held the gun with my palm, I was still a bit clueless about how to use a gun but I tried not to make it obvious.

He blinked twice. Thrice? I lost count. "Alright. Let's not point the gun at each other."

"Since I owe you one, I'll have to deal with that." I lowered the gun and handed it to him as he laid his palm open to receive what belonged to him. 

He got the gun and hid it behind his garments. He took the time to fix his hair before talking. "Well," he paused and looked at me as I removed the mask I was wearing and lowered my hood. "So, you're a lady."

"Do I not seem one?" I asked and it made him move backward.

"I-I never actually want to let it mean that way, I was just taken aback because I didn't imagine having females wandering off this dreadful place, alone." he answered and even seemed to stutter, probably because of how scary the way I sound.

I nodded. "Hmm, now that you've seen one, I think it's best you stop thinking that way." 

"I guess you're right." he responded, his hands rested inside the pockets of his trousers while his eyes laid in my direction.

I licked the bottom of my lips before talking to him. "So, where are you from?" I began to walk and grab as much loot I can.

He followed and walked behind me as he speaks. "I'm from somewhere you can call, an awful place to be named of."

I paused from taking more steps and stared at him, questioning his very answer but I don't mind losing the hook. "Well, I must say, that's quite an answer for a question so formally catechized."

"Oh. I beg your pardon, My Lady." his response once again stunned me to the extent that I ended up dropping the can of beans I had in my hand. 

HIRAYA: The Call for Blood (Untold Stories 2)Where stories live. Discover now