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Scarletts POV

It's been an hour, and the nurses have done all the tests they do to newborns, on y/n.

She has just been placed back into my arms and now I can finally relax. I took this time to admire my little one, and take in every little detail of her small frame.

Her cute face looked so peaceful as she slept in a little fluffy grey blanket with a small zebra embroidered on the bottom.

My free hand stroked over her y/h/c locks, before finding it's way down to her hand, where I noticed something peculiar.

"Haha" I giggled "you have my signature piece" I whispered referring to the birth mark which lay in the exact same spot on both of our hands.

"Haha" I giggled "you have my signature piece" I whispered referring to the birth mark which lay in the exact same spot on both of our hands

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Y/n started to stir a little, so I started to whisper sweet nothings to her.

"I love you so much princess, I'll always love you, thank you for coming into my life baby, you can always count on me when you need something"

"When your older, I know there are going to be ups and downs between us, but just know that I'll always be here for you, no matter what, because you're my girl" I kissed her forehead before finishing off with "And I will never stop telling you how much I love you"

A knock at the door grabs my attention as I see a nurse come in

"Hey how is she?" She asked gesturing to y/n

"She's sleepy" I replied with a weak smile, just now realising how tired I am.

She smiled before replying with "aww bless, okay I'm going to put her back in her bed so you can get some rest, then when you're awake we can try breast feeding, if you're up for that" she said

I looked at the nurse with a guilty look because I didn't want to put my baby down, I just wanted to watch her sleep forever. However, I also knew that I need some rest since the birth tired me out.

I gave a small nod in response to the nurse, and she came over and picked up y/n and put her in the little side bed which was beside mine before leaving.

I lay down and turned my head to the side so y/n was in my view, I watched her chest rise and fall before my eyes started to close taking me into a slumber.

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