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February 1919

Tessa was on her way down to the Garrison, for an early drink before she had to get to work in a while at the shop.

"Hey, hey" Shouting could be heard from behind. Tessa turned her head around to see her brother Will, running towards her.

"Alright" He asked.

"Where you off to this early in the morning?" She questioned him, with a smile on her face. She hadn't seen a lot of Will lately or even any of her family.

Edward and Johnny dogs were busy traveling around with the Lee family. As for Will, he was busy doing all the dirty work for the Peaky Blinders.

"I'm off to the pictures, meeting Anna down there" He said while taking out a cigarette.

"I am popping into the Garrison for one or two, before I have to go back to that shit show of a shop"

Will laughed out, looking to his sister "Your right too, may as well"

"You know, we should go visit da and Edward while they're close here to Small Heath with the Lee's. They normally never camped this close" Tessa said, wanting to see her family and bring the kids with.

"We should actually, all of us together again. I'll see if I can sort it out for us"

"Great" Tessa beamed with a smile on her face.

The two continued walking for another while in silence, neither speaking. The children running around the streets, in dirty rags having the time of their life. Women pushing prams around with babies in them. Young men covered in oil and dirt working their ass off for any bit of money they could scrap up.

"I need to tell you something" Will suddenly said to her. Tessa nodded her head looking to her right to him.

"I'm gonna ask Anna to marry me" Tessa gasped out loud, jumping back slightly out of surprise.

"Really" She shouted to him, with her hands over her mouth. Will nodded his head, with a bright smile on his face. Tessa grabbed hold of him and pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck, the two swaying side to side.

Tessa pulled away "Ah, Will I am so happy for you. She is going to freak out when you ask her. I can't wait for you to ask her"

"Thanks Tess" Will said, getting a slight bit embarrassed by all the attention going towards him.

"Have you told da, yet?"

"No, you're the only one who knows. I'll tell da, when we see him soon" Will said, stopping in front of the Garrison.

"Good luck, then" Tessa said. Will just nodded his head at her.

"Don't tell anyone just yet. This is between me and you" Will said to her, Tessa nodded her head.

"This is my stop then, I'll either see you tonight or tomorrow"

"Will do" He said walking away from her, out of sight and off to the pictures.

Tessa smiled brightly, opening the two doors into the pub. She was quickly met by a mess of the place, that was typical though for the Garrison after a night there.

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