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Tessa made her way across the street of Watery Lane and into the Shelby household. It was now ten in the morning, some of the local kids were running around the dirty streets playing.

Tessa opened the front door of the house to be greeted by many boxes filled with Christmas ornaments. She laughed to herself "Christmas already"

It was quiet in the house, something that didn't happen every often. Tessa made her way into the back where the kitchen was located. No one here either, something felt off. 

She peaked through a chip in the wooden doors to the betting shop, looking through the chipped hole there was no one to be seen. It was dead silent, and not a soul to be seen. 

Tessa walked back into the living room, shouting up the stairs to see or hear if there was any site of living in the house "Is there anyone here?" she shouted up to the second floor of the house. 

She kept her eyes on the staircase waiting to see if anyone would be present at the top. The sudden movement upstairs made her smile. Tommy made his presence at the top of the stairs, his hands in his pockets looking down at Tessa from up high. She leaned her arm against the railing of the stairs. 

"Where is everyone, this house is normally full with people non stop all day. Even the betting shop is dead quiet. It's normally never like this" she laughed watching Tommy descend from the stairs. 

Tommy didn't hold a smile, instead his eyes had turned dark looking at his now sister in law. As Tommy reached the last step he took hold of the girl's shoulders, and pushing her against the wall of the stairs. 

Tessa gasped loudly, her eyes opened widely, confused by his actions towards her. She shoved his shoulders shouting at him "What the bloody hell are ya doing Tommy?"

He pushed her back with his hands gripping her shoulders, looking directly into her eyes "Do you want me to question you alone right now, or in front of the whole family. You are up to something Tessa" 

"Let go of me" Tessa said pushing him harder, this time away from her personal space. She walked over to the fireplace that was lighting with vibrant red and bright orange flames letting out some warm heat. 

Tessa widened her eyes while her back faced Tommy cursing to herself. Of course Tommy would know something was up, he was and will always be the most hardest to keep secrets from. She thought she had been careful enough. 

"Tessa you know something has happened to your mother, what are the chances of her going missing the night after ye had an argument" Tommy said sitting down on one of the arm chairs in the living room, while lighting up a cigarette. 

Tessa had to act dumb now, she had to put on an act in front of Tommy, she could not get caught out on what she did "What do ya mean by that, what happened to my mother?" She said turning around away from the fireplace and looking at Tommy. He shock his head while tutting. 

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