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"It's me love ... your mother"

Tessa stared the women down. She couldn't see her face as she was wearing a black hat. It can't possibly be her mother. The women must have confused her with someone else "You must have me mistaken for someone else. You must have the wrong person"

Tessa said, smiling gently at the women. Turning around away from the women beginning to walk away with Ada by her side.

"No, no. What I speak of is true" the women ran up behind Tessa grabbing hold of her arm. She looked down at tight hold on her arm. She tried pulling free from the women.

"I don't bloody know you" Tessa shouted in the women's face now. The women took a tighter hold of her arm, trying to pull her further away from the gathering in the field.

"What are you doing ... let me go. I don't know you" Tessa shouted. Swatting at women's hand, trying to release herself from her hold.

The women pleaded "Please, I just want to talk to you" she took hold of both her arms now. Tessa looked at Ada for help, Ada ran back going to find her brothers

The sound of Ada's voice could be heard above all the noise at wedding. The girl was sprinting towards her brother's and Polly all sat around the same table drinking, smoking and talking with one another.

Ada sprinted forward to the table, leaning her hands on the table taking deep breaths. Tommy rose from his seat starting at his sister.

"It's ... Tessa. She needs help" All heads turned in her direction, before Ada made a run again, back to where Tessa last was. The other's followed close behind her.

Tessa could finally hear Ada's voice calling out to her. She sighed loudly hoping she had got help.

In the flash of an eye, she was swung around in a circle into the women's body, with a knife to her throat. Her eyes widened, breathing heavily. She moved her eyes to the side looking at the women "What are you doing?" she whispered.

"Tessa" Ada shouted out, Tessa eyes went straight to the girls voice to be meet by the other's with there guns pointed at the women beside me.

"John" Tessa shouted out to her husband nervously. He went to run towards to his now wife, before the women pulled the knife closer to Tessa's throat, gaining a reaction from the other's. Tessa bit down on her lip nervously, closing her eyes. 

Tommy pulled John back, not letting him set a foot closer to them. John looked to Tommy "You stay the fuck back John ... you understand ?" Tommy whispered to his brother.

The women made a statement "Don't come any closer ... or ... I will put this knife through her throat ... I just want to talk to her. That's all"

From behind the Shelby's, Johnny Dog's ran over to all the commotion happening by them. From not far away, he could hear that familiar voice. How could he forget that bloody voice, from that wicked women. 

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