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July 1914 / The following day

Johnny Dogs, Tessa, Will and Edward had made there way out to the countryside, to spend some family time together. Johnny dogs had been driving the family car out, when he turned into a field full of people, horses and two or three vardo's. 

"What the hell, is going on here?" Tessa questioned her father. 

"I want ye to meet some people" Johnny dogs said to the three of his kids. 

"I thought you said we were going on a family outing" 

"Edward, first stop here ... then we can do what ever the fuck ye want. Now come get out, the lot of ye" Johnny said, as he stopped the car and jumped out of it. 

"What the fuck is he playing at now?" 

"Come on Will, just get out" Tessa said as she made her way out of the car, with her brothers following behind. 

"Johnny Dogs" a random man shouted you to there father, with his hands held out wide walking towards him. 

"Listen" Will whispered to his siblings, they were definitely not speaking any sort of English language. 

"There fucking gypsies, like us ... there speaking Romani" Tessa said to her brothers as they followed after there father standing beside him. 

"I see ya finally brought your gang with you" 

"Aye ... my oldest Will, the middle Edward and my youngest Tessa" Johnny introduced his family to this man, as more people began to come forward and greet Johnny as if they have known him for years. 

"What the fuck is going on? And who are all these people?" Tessa questioned. 

"You are a little fiery one aren't ya" 

"That's my fuckin sister your talking about there, watch what you say about her. Do you know who she is married to?" 

Johnny jumped in front of both Tessa and Will as the two seemed to not be on good terms with these people just yet.

He turned around to both of his kids "Calm it ... the both of ye, right now" 

The men slightly sniggered under there breath, at the conversation between the family. Johnny turned back around to the men. 

"These fellas here are the Lee family ... and I will be riding with them when ye two head off to war" 

The three looked up to their father, confused in why he would leave Small Heath to go traveling with a different family. That would explain why Johnny dogs had not been around lately the past couple of months, but no one asked anything as it was his business only. 

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