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Tessa made her way down the streets of Small Heath in the early mornings. She could hear the crows squawking from the chimneys and rooftops of all the houses. The sky was still dark as it was early in the morning. Street lamps still lit as she made her way down to Charlie Strong's yard.

She clung her coat tighter to her body as the cold air hit her on the walk. She didn't know if she was doing the right thing here, going to confront her own mother, after what happened a couple of hours ago at the wedding.

Tessa had found out her mother was brought to Charlie's yard, after John blurred it out by accident to Tessa when they were in the car on there way home from the wedding. John was completely drunk when telling her, he wouldn't even remember telling her in a couple of hours time.

She had made her way down to see her mother in the early morning as she knew, the other's wouldn't be awake at this hour, and that they wouldn't let Tessa she her mother after what happened at the wedding.

She wanted to talk to her mother in private away from everyone, and then finally get her out of Small Heath for good and for her to never come back into her life.

From the front gate of Charlie's yard, Tessa could see flames sparkling in the distance. It must be her mother, they must have lit her a fire to keep her warm in the cold temperatures of Birmingham.

Tessa made her way over to the fire, to see her mother sat in front of it with her hands clasped together trying to get any heat she could from the little fire now.

Tessa stood above her mother, staring at her from behind "Helen" she called out to her mother. The women gasped turning around to see her daughter stood before her.

"Tessa ... you came for me" Helen said excitedly, taking hold of Tessa hand.

Tessa pulled her hand away from her "Don't touch" she sat down in front of her mother. She found a tin can to sit on just laying around the yard.

"I only came to talk to you in private ... I also have protection. So don't do something stupid again"

"How was the wedding then ... I missed most of it?" she questioned her daughter.

Tessa shock her head, sighing loudly "No small talk Helen ... I want to know what the hell you were doing at my wedding ... or even how did you know about the wedding?"

"One of your younger cousins blurred it out by accident in front of me ... I knew I had to be there for my only daughter's wedding" she said smiling at the girl.

"It doesn't make sense after what ... seventeen years you finally decide to show your face. Why? Why bother when everything was going fine until you showed up" Tessa said looking her mother straight into her eyes, demanding an answer.

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