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July 1914 / Day's later

All the boys had signed up for the war. Tommy, Arthur, John, Will, Edward even Freddie had as well. The whole lot of them were going to be leaving soon, and so far no one knew for how long. 

Sadly in the early hours of yesterday morning Greta, had passed away in her sleep. By what Tommy said, she had passed away in no pain. She just closed her eyes and left him. 

Once again the Shelby's were gathered around at the graveyard to attend a funeral, this was starting to become a regular thing for Tessa to be at the graveyard. First with the killing of her mother, then her poor grandmother and now Greta. 

Greta's family had heard about the news and traveled up here to Small Heath early this morning to attend her funeral. The Shelby's came to the funeral in respect for her family and also Tommy, as the two had been together for a couple of years now. Also as herself, Anna, Ada and even Ellen had become great friends over the years. They all came in respect. 

John and Tessa were stood at the back behind the Shelby side of the family. With Arthur and Ellen to her right. She didn't feel right standing out at the front, that spot was for Tommy and Tommy alone. She may have been great friends with the women, but her friendship could never beat what herself and Tommy had. 

Tessa also had her kids with her, so she didn't want attention on her if the kids were to start acting up or even crying. She wanted the ceremony to be all about Greta. 

After Greta had been respectfully sent off in a proper and good manner, her family had made there way straight out of the graveyard and what looked to be straight out of Small Heath. 

Greta never really talked about her family to anyone, she may have with Tommy but he was never going to tell any of his family. Tommy Shelby was a very private man when it came to his own business and relationships. 

The women had never talked about it to any of the girls, maybe there was a reason why but they will never know now. 

Tessa strolled away pushing the pram with both James and William in it. She wanted to visit her grandmothers grave while she was here in the graveyard already. John walked beside her with Katie held up in his arms. 

You could make out it was her grave, as the flowers had looked very fresh and clean. Her father or more likely one of her brothers must have been looking after it. The thought made Tessa smile, to see that her relatives were being looked after even beyond the grave. 

At the grave, the two stood in front of it with there eyes closed. Tessa held her hands together saying a few prayers for her grandmother. 

It was a cold July, the wind was quite heavy blowing her mid length hair around her face. James and William were wrapped up in there shawls fully to keep them warm. Little Katie just clung onto John, wrapping her small hands around his shoulders to also keep herself warm. 

Opening her eyes, Tessa looked over to her daughter "Look Katie ... that's your great-grandmother. That's grandad's mammy ... she would have loved to seen you" Tessa looked down to the twins in the pram and placed a hand on each of there heads "And you too as well" 

"Come on ... we better get back to the other's" John said placing his hand on her back, Tessa nodded her head. Pushing the pram in front of her to be back with the other Shelby's. 

"Why did your grandmother get buried over here in England. I thought she would have been buried in Ireland, as she lived there her whole life" 

"She wanted to be buried where her child was living ... as me da, was an only child. She wanted to be buried here instead of Ireland" 

"So you a new barman here?" Tessa questioned the man, waiting to be served her drinks. 

The older looking man, he looked around the same age as her father turned to her "I'm the new landowner of this pub actually"

Tessa pursed her lips looking around the pub, and then back to the man "You will want to get to know the locals then" 

"Mrs Shelby, don't you worry I know to take care of you and your family" 

Tessa laughed "That's the job, good luck ..." "Harry ... Harry Fenton"

"Good luck with the business then Harry, you will definitely be seeing more of us in here" Tessa said taking her drinks back to the table and giving the man a smile. 

Tessa sat back down next to Ada, the girl had been different since hearing of the death of Greta. It may of shock Ada more than Tessa and Anna. The two older women knew how to keep there emotions in, while Ada didn't she was still only a teenager. 

Tessa pulled Ada into a side hug, stroking the top of her head "I know, it's hard not having her here ... we all miss her" 

John shouted over across the table from where he was standing with Arthur "You looked busy up there" 

Tessa looked up from Ada, confused on what John was talking about "How you mean?" 

John tutted "You and that barman ... have a good chat, did ye?" 

Tessa sniggered to herself "He is the new landowner of the Garrison ... just checking in on him. Wouldn't want him to feel out of place" 

Arthur pulled his brother in by the shoulder "She's got you wrapped around her little finger" 

John pushed off his brother "Fuck off Arthur" the two playfully fought with one another. Tessa watched on the two fighting, turning her head when feeling a hand on her shoulder. 

"Da ... what are ya doing here? Your meant to be looking after the kids" Tessa asked confused on why her father had left the kids alone, she shook Ada off of her turning to face her father as he sat down beside her. 

"I left the wee little ones in Tommy's care" 

"Bloody hell ... da, why would you do that? We all know Tommy isn't in the right state of mind right now" 

Tommy made his way back home, after the funeral. He didn't want to come to the pub after with the other's. Polly tried to persuade him to, but he wouldn't do what he was told. He wanted to be on his own. 

"They'll all be fine ... I'm not staying for long anyway" Tessa laughed slightly, as if her father could refuse a night at the pub. 

"Meself, you and your brothers. Were all going out to the countryside tomorrow" 

"Why?" she questioned. 

"I want the four of us to spend a day together, before Will and Edward leave, we all know it is going to be any day now" 

Tessa smiled, but deep down she was hurting "Yeah ... that will be nice" 



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